Thursday evening eats 2024 October 25

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
Did you enjoy your evening meal? What did you have?

I had a strip loin steak, potatoes out of their jackets, and beets with lemon and butter. I really enjoyed that. I didn't bake the potatoes, I nuked them. The beets were small ones from a jar, so that dish got nuked too. It's one of my favourite ways to serve beets. Beet haters usually like that dish. It's the first time I made it with caned beets, but it worked fine.

2024-10-25 Striploin steak, potatoes out of their jackets, and beets with lemon and butter1.jpg
2024-10-25 Striploin steak, potatoes out of their jackets, and beets with lemon and butter4.jpg

I used the "cold sear" method to cook that steak. It should have been thicker, which is probably why there is a grey ring around the outside, but it tasted great.

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taxy, I may be very wrong, but understand something, - food photography is very specific and difficult (on that I'm not wrong, said my bro and I'll bet casey would back me up - brownies are on the way casey). So although your steak may be cooked a slight more thicker into the surface, with a professional photographer I doubt you would see a "grey" ring at all.

Your supper looks great!
Pulled a Beef stew I had made from the freezer. Hit the spot.

am marinating the chicken thighs... seeing as I didn't get around to marinating them earlier, so I'll have them tomorrow.
taxy, I may be very wrong, but understand something, - food photography is very specific and difficult (on that I'm not wrong, said my bro and I'll bet casey would back me up - brownies are on the way casey). So although your steak may be cooked a slight more thicker into the surface, with a professional photographer I doubt you would see a "grey" ring at all.

Your supper looks great!
Are you saying that the steak that Lan Lam cooked probably had a grey ring? I think that would be harder to hide in a video as compared with still photography.

In any case, I enjoyed the steak and would do it that way again. I like this method. It seems lower stress than other methods I have tried.
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taxy, I may be very wrong, but understand something, - food photography is very specific and difficult (on that I'm not wrong, said my bro and I'll bet casey would back me up - brownies are on the way casey). So although your steak may be cooked a slight more thicker into the surface, with a professional photographer I doubt you would see a "grey" ring at all.

Your supper looks great!

Okay, as a professional car photographer, may I say that although I am a top level car photographer, as for food, what I have learned as a photographer is that professional food stylists make pro photographers like me look good, when we are actually idiots. Seriously, they do the all of the hard work, and overpaid guys like me make a pretty picture. I am honestly in awe of what professional food stylists do.

My food photos on this forum may sometimes look nice to you, but in my mind, they rate somewhere between reasonably okay and completely iPhone crap. Definitely not my best work.

As for the forum members reading this, post your food photos. Who cares how good they look... post them. I love seeing your food, and don't care if it is a little off color or not perfectly in focus. This is a food forum, not photography forum. I love seeing your pictures!

taxy, I may be very wrong, but understand something, - food photography is very specific and difficult (on that I'm not wrong, said my bro and I'll bet casey would back me up - brownies are on the way casey). So although your steak may be cooked a slight more thicker into the surface, with a professional photographer I doubt you would see a "grey" ring at all.

Your supper looks great!

Okay, as a professional car photographer, may I say that although I am a top level car photographer. As for food, what I have learned as a photographer is that professional food stylists make pro photographers like me look good, when we are actually idiots. Seriously, they do the all of the hard work, and overpaid guys like me make a pretty picture. I am honestly in awe of what professional food stylists do.

My food photos on this forum may sometimes look nice to you, but in my mind, they rate somewhere between reasonably okay and completely iPhone crap. Definitely not my best work.

As for the forum members reading this, post your food photos. Who cares how good they look... post them. I love seeing your food, and don't care if it is a little off color or not perfectly in focus. This is a food forum, not photography forum. I love seeing your pictures!

Well, I swear I didn't do it on purpose, but I managed to double post. More evidence that I am not the most Internet forum savvy member on the planet. Will one of you smart people fix that, please?

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