Thursday dinner, September 19, 2024?

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Oops, should have been more specific. By mild or strong I guess meant the coriander flavour as it sometimes can be overpowering.
Not strong at all. I think it would be hard to figure out what that flavour was, but it does make a subtle and pleasant addition to the flavour. BTW, I hate the taste of raw coriander greens.
You know, I think I'm the only person in the world that doesn't like meatloaf with sauce on it. Sometimes after it's baked, I'll add a little ketchup and that's it.

I can relate to Mr. Jade. I'm a meat and potatoes person and if foreign food isn't Americanized, I don't like that either. Good thing I don't like to travel. I'd starve to death.
I prefer meatloaf that doesn't need gravy. So, I don't usually want gravy with meatloaf, but if it is dry, then gravy helps. I really don't want ketchup on my meatloaf, but I seldom eat ketchup. I find it too sweet for most things. I will take a small blob of ketchup to go with fries, once in a while when there isn't any malt vinegar. I just dip my fries in the ketchup. I never want the ketchup on top of my fries.

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