The two months till Christmas dinner meal 10/24/2024

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Head Chef
Jan 16, 2016
Puget Sound, WA
I had a stuffed potato. Baked and then the insides were mixed with sour cream, bacon, cheese, onion, garlic, you guys get the picture. And here 'tis


And hey! I had the maple pork loin (leftover from Monday's supper) for lunch and spread some of the sauce over it. And I found out something new. I put the loin in the microwave to heat up and the sauce caramelized! So from now on, instead of just thickening that sauce, I'm also going to caramelize it. That put a whole new spin on it!
Veggie burger w/fixins and a green smoothie. Maybe some crustless pumpkin pie later.

edit: really? 2 months to Christmas? It is. How did that happen
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I spent the day moving my mom into an assisted living apartment.

I didn't have any time for lunch. I ate McDonald's in the truck on the way back to my hotel. The hotel has a bar. I rarely drink anymore, but Mr. Jim Beam was callin' to me. I had a stupidly expensive drink, and went to my room for a hot shower.


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