Sunday September 22, Football and Food... what did you eat?

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Master Chef
Jan 19, 2017
The Steelers won, so I celebrated with a USDA Prime ribeye steak, sous vide and seared, and some twice fried French fries.



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ww toast baked with tofu/lemon/garlic herbs, nooch for 'cheezy bread'. Chili with red beans for him. Red lentil curry for me. Watermelon
The Steelers won, so I celebrated with a USDA Prime ribeye steak and some twice fried French fries.

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Darn you, Casey Dog, making me drool on my monitor!

I had a thawed chicken breast and a box of cheesy Rice-a-Roni. I decided to put the chicken breast with the rice and water into the oven in a casserole dish and see what happened. I've done this before with a copper pan and it was always good.

It was good but the rice was way too mushy. It just didn't have a good mouth feel to it. This time I covered the casserole dish and I wonder if that had anything to do with it. I never covered the pan when I did this before. I tried putting bread crumbs on it but realized too late I should have toasted them first.

Anyway, I ate dinner, but decided it really wasn't that good at all and tossed the rest. I rarely throw out food, so you guys know it wasn't that great. I'm only out 1/2 of a small chicken breast and half a box of Rice-a-Roni.

I have another box of cheesy Roni and I'd like to try this again, but I don't know what I'd do differently, except not cover it. Maybe I used too much water or maybe it cooked too long. The flavor wasn't bad, but I'm looking for rice that doesn't have the mouth feel of mashed potatoes. If you guys have any hints, I'm all ears.
Darn you, Casey Dog, making me drool on my monitor!

I had a thawed chicken breast and a box of cheesy Rice-a-Roni. I decided to put the chicken breast with the rice and water into the oven in a casserole dish and see what happened. I've done this before with a copper pan and it was always good.

It was good but the rice was way too mushy. It just didn't have a good mouth feel to it. This time I covered the casserole dish and I wonder if that had anything to do with it. I never covered the pan when I did this before. I tried putting bread crumbs on it but realized too late I should have toasted them first.

Anyway, I ate dinner, but decided it really wasn't that good at all and tossed the rest. I rarely throw out food, so you guys know it wasn't that great. I'm only out 1/2 of a small chicken breast and half a box of Rice-a-Roni.

I have another box of cheesy Roni and I'd like to try this again, but I don't know what I'd do differently, except not cover it. Maybe I used too much water or maybe it cooked too long. The flavor wasn't bad, but I'm looking for rice that doesn't have the mouth feel of mashed potatoes. If you guys have any hints, I'm all ears.

I had chicken fried steak a few days ago, and a big slab of ribeye tonight. I've been a bad boy. I still have half of that steak, and I need to spread that out over a few meals. Maybe some steak tacos tomorrow, with some leafy green veggies on them. I could do some rice and beans with chunks of steak the next day.

I would recommend you cook the Rice-a-Roni separately, and serve the chicken on top. I think they need different cooking methods and possibly cooking times. That's my two cents.

I had the rest of the Greek food that I ordered a couple of days ago. It was still very enjoyable. There is one piece of roast potato and some of the rice pilaf left. They will be a snack or accompany something.
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