Stray Thoughts 2.0

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I remember Larry mentioning that he eats all of his meals with a soup spoon and that sounded curious until I thought about him being a vegetarian. While I need a knife and fork for meat, more and more I'm eating chopped salads and such with a spoon. A spoon also makes sense for short pasta dishes etc. I wouldn't do it in public but it's my kitchen, my option for "rules". Thanks Larry.
I remember Larry mentioning that he eats all of his meals with a soup spoon and that sounded curious until I thought about him being a vegetarian. While I need a knife and fork for meat, more and more I'm eating chopped salads and such with a spoon. A spoon also makes sense for short pasta dishes etc. I wouldn't do it in public but it's my kitchen, my option for "rules". Thanks Larry.
I've been doing the same, Kayelle. It's easier for chopped salad and short pasta dishes.
I really want a set of those eating utensils used on Star Trek. The forks only have 2 dangerous prongs, and the spoons are oddly offset.

And a Klingon wine mug that looks like a Nuclear power plant cooling tower.
I really want a set of those eating utensils used on Star Trek. The forks only have 2 dangerous prongs, and the spoons are oddly offset.

They look pretty cool...


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They are cool. But the fork isn't life threatening enough.

No wonder, though. Enterprise wasn't very good.

C'mon, Trip gettin down with T'pol? She starved herself and paid dearly for that horribly fake rack for him?
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I really want a set of those eating utensils used on Star Trek. The forks only have 2 dangerous prongs, and the spoons are oddly offset.

And a Klingon wine mug that looks like a Nuclear power plant cooling tower.

I have a neighbor who is a major Treky." I bet he has a set. He owns several props from the TV shows.

He also has a full-size functional replica of the robot from Lost In Space. :ohmy:

They look pretty cool...
I did a quick google for Star Trek Flatware” and didn’t come up with much. This page, a blog, does have some cool stuff, but mostly just mugs and similar fare for rabid Trekkies. There are several items that are actually quite humorous.
When it became to difficult for my mother to walk or stand on her bad leg, we started to go to my aunt's (her sister) home for the holiday dinners. She had my grandmother Adams' full silver service for 12. Including butter knives, salad forks, and all the rest of the silver service pieces that went with the table setting. I was given the job of not only dusting the dining room furniture, but polishing all those pieces. About the second year of doing this, my mother came with me to my aunts home and helped me with the polishing. I looked up and saw her crying while she was polishing a special piece. It was her mother's favorite piece. She told me the story about it being a favorite wedding present for her mother.

Today, I have one of those butter knives.
Are you having a slow day? ;)

Yeah, I was. :(

Another stray thought and a little perspective on time: Can you remember the 70s? That was 40 years ago. Just think if you were the same age in the 70s that you are now. You would remember the 30s. If you were the same age you are now in the 30s, you'd remember the 1890s just as clearly. If you remember the 60s today, then in the 30s you'd be remembering the 1880s. Laura Ingalls Wilder's daughter was born in 1886.

Anybody read stories from James Herriott, the Yorkshire vet? He started practicing 78 years ago. Doesn't seem that long ago when you read the books, does it?

Today is a slow day also.
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I have a neighbor who is a major Treky." I bet he has a set. He owns several props from the TV shows.

He also has a full-size functional replica of the robot from Lost In Space. :ohmy:

If your Trekkie neighbor is ever planning a trip to New York (Ticonderoga, to be exact), he might want to make a pilgrimage to the replica of Star Trek's U.S.S. Enterprise set.
Yeah, I was. :(

Another stray thought and a little perspective on time: Can you remember the 70s? That was 40 years ago. Just think if you were the same age in the 70s that you are now. You would remember the 30s. If you were the same age you are now in the 30s, you'd remember the 1890s just as clearly. If you remember the 60s today, then in the 30s you'd be remembering the 1880s. Laura Ingalls Wilder's daughter was born in 1886.

Today is a slow day also.

Really? I would never have guessed. ;)

Speaking of memory, my older son claims to remember stuff before he was even born, and tries to correct my actual factual memory of them. I love him to pieces but it gets really annoying. I'm always telling him some of my memories are before he even existed, as impossible as that seems to him. Kids.:wacko: Grown kids.:wacko:
He has probably been there. I know he goes to the Star Trek Convention in Vegas. Besides, In a few more years, his house will be a Star Trek set replica. :LOL:


I always wanted a space room. Two walls would be nothing but a wall sized space picture behind a floor to ceiling window to make it look like you were in outer space. The rest of it would mimic the soft lights and space age like furniture of Captain Picard's stateroom.
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