Sheet pan ham steak with green beans and sweet potatoes

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Senior Cook
Jul 12, 2023
We might need a sheet pan cooking section just a suggestion.

This had a honey mustard sauce. Next time I'll probably try a citrus brown sugar sauce because that's what I usually like on my ham but it was good.


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I love sheet pan dinners. But you need to make sure all of the ingredients have similar cooking times.
On this one you put the oven on 400 and you just salt and pepper the vegetables lightly and put them in the oven for 10 minutes before you put the ham and add the sauce and then it's 28 minutes and it recommended broiling for a minute but that didn't seem to do anything. The vegetables looked kind of shriveling dry when I first took them out but all I had to do was toss them in the sauce and they plumped right out. This recipe was originally for potatoes and beans not sweet potatoes.
I generally par-steam potatoes, especially sweet potatoes, for sheet pan meals. Otherwise, they are dry, shriveled and leathery.
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I generally par-steam potatoes, especially sweet potatoes, for sheet pan meals. Otherwise, they are dry, shriveled and leathery.
When I first got it out of the oven, I thought they might be dry, but all I had to do was toss them and they snapped out of it.
When I first got it out of the oven, I thought they might be dry, but all I had to do was toss them and they snapped out of it.
They require less cooking time if they are pre cooked, so everything can go in the oven at the same time.

Just saying, but I've never seen dried out veges and potatoes "snap out" of it, but I'll take you at your word.
Another vote for sheet pan dinners!

I prep the vegetables in the morning when I have a little energy and refrigerate them until dinner time.

Easter just might be sheet pan ham, asparagus, carrot coins, and a few Reese’s miniature peanut butter cups, not sorry! 😉🐰🐇🤭

Thanks for jogging my memory. I need to move my Easter brisket from the freezer to the fridge today. (y)


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