Random Photo Thread: The Sequel

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Congrats to your nephew and his lovely bride, bt. Just looking at those bare shoulders on the bridesmaids, though, makes me feel cold! To be young and in love again... Still in love, just not anywhere near young. :LOL:
Thanks, CG. My wife said the church was freezing, so I'm sure the bridemaids were just grinning and bearing it.
Something nobody got a photo of at my wedding was when my bride and I kneeled for the blessing, my best man had written HE on the bottom of my left shoe, and LP on the other one. We and the preacher didn't know what people were laughing at until after the ceremony.

Something nobody got a photo of at my wedding was when my bride and I kneeled for the blessing, my best man had written HE on the bottom of my left shoe, and LP on the other one. We and the preacher didn't know what people were laughing at until after the ceremony.


Same with my wife's niece, her hubby had the same. About 20 years ago.

OK, we need a Tatt sighting. He hasn't posted any pics in a while.

I took my boy out on a section of the Appalachian Trail today. We had a great time. We stopped at a shelter, had a fire, made dinner, put out the fire properly, and hiked back to my truck well after dark. My wife was freaked out that something bad might happen, but I know this stretch of the AT like the back of my hand.

It was around 30° and windy when we got to the shelter, and abput 24° by the time hiked out. We got a fire going right away. My boy was a great help in gathering all of the partially burned whole logs that some jackass had scattered about the campsite. Also, he cut and brought back some nice hardwood logs to split for center dry wood just to get the fire going as everything was quite wet.


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It can be very difficult for a parent to trust anyone, even the father with their baby. Sounds like the two of you had a great time. I wish I had been with you. I love outdoor camping.
Nice shot, CG! I love that moment just before it gets really dark in winter.

Like the last run of skiing, or getting the fire going at a campsite, and the police on the 4-12 shift just settling in - not looking for speeders just yet...
Nice shot, CG! I love that moment just before it gets really dark in winter.

Like the last run of skiing, or getting the fire going at a campsite, and the police on the 4-12 shift just settling in - not looking for speeders just yet...

Much better than night skiing. Did that once.... once. :rolleyes:

Nice shot, CG! I love that moment just before it gets really dark in winter....
Or spring, or summer, or fall! I must have a couple hundred of these kinds of shots, right as the last light is fading and the sky lights up with pretty colors. I especially like the sky when it looks like the American flag, all deep pink and white horizontal stripes with a patchy cloud grouping in the upper-left corner. I'll have to hunt through my photos to find one like that later. And thanks for the compliment. :heart:
Much better than night skiing. Did that once.... once. :rolleyes:


Night skiing is fun, but you really have to pull it back a little, not go as fast. And of course switch to a clear lens on your goggles. Dark lenses or sunglasses don't cut it at night for very long.
Cool, phinz! That's our kind of park visiting! We took my parents to Disney World a few years before we had kids of our own. As the cleaning crews and park personnel were moving us all along to the exits, Himself and Dad stepped into the men's room. My Dad asked Himself "do you think if we stood on the toilet and crouched down, they wouldn't notice and we could stay all night?" :LOL: *sigh* Always the last out the door, always the last car in the lot.
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