Properly sealed? Tomatoes

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Aug 31, 2022
I pressure canned tomatoes yesterday and worried about one of my sealed cans. I always know that my lid is going to have a solid seal if I take it out of the pressure canner and the contents inside the can is bubbling (and all the tomatoes are sitting up to the top of the can and the liquid at the bottom). All cans yesterday were "bubbling" except for one. The cans that were filled with bubbling tomatoes and tomatoes sucked up to the top of the can sealed pretty quickly after removing from the canner. Except, I had one can that was not bubbling and the tomatoes were all sitting at the bottom of the can. I thought, well, I guess I lost one.....But, to my surprise, sometime within the hour that can actually sealed.....Does that mean it properly sealed? Do the contents have to be bubbling and have the tomatoes sucked up to the top of the can to be properly sealed...I've never read that was a "thing" in's always just been my observance.

Thank you!
If you are concerned about it, just open that jar, put the contents in another jar, and pressure can it again. It may not have sealed properly the first time, but after just one day, you should be able to do it again without any consequences.

If you are concerned about it, just open that jar, put the contents in another jar, and pressure can it again. It may not have sealed properly the first time, but after just one day, you should be able to do it again without any consequences.

I mixed the jar in with my other jars because at first I thought, "well cool, it sealed" - so I cleaned them up and labeled them to put away (I canned them yesterday). Now I'm second guessing myself. But it def sealed, so it "should" be okay.....
If it sealed, I think it should be okay as well. We've had delays before in hearing the  pop and the contents were okay. I always count the pops when we can, then double check the lids after they cool.

If you don't do it anyway, which you really should, I'd loosen the rings a little so there won't be an explosion with broken glass and tomato everywhere just in case it's not okay.
Some of the jars will bubble/boil on the counter, some not, if they seal don't worry about it. You can check the seal by taking the ring off and grasping the jar by the lid and lifting a little. A soon to be unsealed jar will let the lid pop off. Wait until they are room temperature before taking off the rings and testing the lids.
I canned tomato sauce the other day, one of the lids came off in testing, so I put it in the fridge to use right away. The rest tested sealed.
Some of the jars will bubble/boil on the counter, some not, if they seal don't worry about it. You can check the seal by taking the ring off and grasping the jar by the lid and lifting a little. A soon to be unsealed jar will let the lid pop off. Wait until they are room temperature before taking off the rings and testing the lids.
I canned tomato sauce the other day, one of the lids came off in testing, so I put it in the fridge to use right away. The rest tested sealed.
Thank you! They are all good and sealed, washed them and did the full lid check. This makes me feel so much better.
If it sealed, I think it should be okay as well. We've had delays before in hearing the  pop and the contents were okay. I always count the pops when we can, then double check the lids after they cool.

If you don't do it anyway, which you really should, I'd loosen the rings a little so there won't be an explosion with broken glass and tomato everywhere just in case it's not okay.
Thanks! I've since removed the rings and all seems to still be snug :)
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