PPPC-II. It's baaaack...

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Carol, it sounds a lot like how my mother used to bake white fish. The skin would get crispy, there was a nice buttery taste to the fish, which flaked perfectly... mmm...
Another week another loss, but that didn't stop me from making Cincinnati's Skyline Chili again :yum:
I really wish that city would come up with another local food other than ice cream and goetta (been there done that), but with chili and the way it is served as good as this, no matter. I'll make it every time Cleveland plays that city.


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The nice thing about Cincinnati Chili is you can make it 3 way, 4 or 5 way and it's never the same way twice. :)

I'm taking it easy on myself today. Vikings at Seattle. How about a 2nd cuppa coffee in the afternoon. Don't mind if I do. I made Salmon Roll ups. Schmear some flour tortillas w/ sour cream ranch dip, put on a layer of shredded hot smoked salmon, snip on some dill / parsley. Roll em up and refrigerate so they hold together good. Cut into pieces. I thinned the extra dip a little for dunking veggies too. Cats got spoons of straight salmon, they is happy.
After that big breakfast this morning I was really pushing myself to make this one, but since I already had the coleslaw prepped from early morning :angel:
PPPC-II week 12, Pittsburgh running up and down Cleveland's back :mad:
And what signifies the blue collar mentality Pgh still says it has, even though they became a service oriented city many years ago when the mills shut down, than the Primanti Brothers meal in a sandwich. You got your Italian bread, you got your cappicola, you got your provolone, you got your double fried fries, your vinegar and oil slaw, and you got your tomatoes. And it amazingly picks up and eats rather well. Hardly any drippage. Hardly.
The recipe I loosely followed and the sandwich. Too robust to be called a sammie ;) Primanti Bros. Sandwiches - The Washington Post
And it's ooh so good :yum:


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I loved it.
The slaw was no different than a relish of sorts. Some flavor and some crunch. The fries went unnoticed by my taste buds, which means they went right to my hips. lololol
There wasn't any mayo, mustard or the like on the sandwich, so the slaw and everything really worked well together. Don't skimp on tne meat.
Pac, I've lived in PGH area for 60 years and never had an authentic Primanti Bros Sandwich. But there are several restaurants in my area who serve an imitation and call it by another name. Delicious.

Andy, my husband won't eat them because of the cole slaw and fries on the sandwich, but like Pac said, you don't notice it. I also put cole slaw and onion rings on my pulled pork sandwiches. Yummy!
I'll have to remember the onion rings on my pulled pork sandwiches. That sounds good. Sometimes they need something more than just slaw when you live by yourself and have ten lbs of pulled pork to use up :LOL:
I'll have to remember the onion rings on my pulled pork sandwiches. That sounds good. Sometimes they need something more than just slaw when you live by yourself and have ten lbs of pulled pork to use up :LOL:

You know if you leave off the bun there is more room for the pork.

It is sort of low carb, except for the bar-b-que sauce on the pork. Not a low carb item!

The overall meal would be low-carb, though, wouldn't it? Or does low-carb mean no-carb?

Just use North Carolina bbq sauce. Vinegar, salt, a bit of sugar and crushed red peppers is pretty much it.
Trust me, there is nothing low carb about my diet. I guess I'll have to try slaw on my PP sandwich.
Trust me, there is nothing low carb about my diet. I guess I'll have to try slaw on my PP sandwich.

We were referring to when you cook low-carb for your SO.

GotGarlic - Low Carb is a relative term and would probably mean different things to different people. The bar-b-que sauce I have has 17 gm of carb per 2 TBS, so if that was all the carb I was eating that day, it would be low carb. For me, low carb means just the carbs in the vegetables and no more.
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