Petty Vents

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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The Mayo Clinic supports the DASH Diet. They offer two levels of daily sodium limits, 2,300 and 1,500. I suppose if you don't have high BP or it is well managed, 2,300 is still fine. If you need to get your BP reduced, 1,300 is the better level.

If you don't use processed foods, or very few, I would think sodium isn't much of a worry. I check package ingredients regularly and would guess that we are significantly under 2,300 every day. Just not today, with ham being on the menu...
I feel guilty for posting here. I so appreciate every word and virtual hug and every good thought yet I feel bad that you have to comfort me, is that ridiculous or what. I thank each and everyone of you. Me.. like you.. I'm a foodie so I research stuff and I'm thinking to him.. eat black raspberries! It's great for esophageal cancer. Yet he won't touch them. I eat like a champ. I eat all those super foods that everyone else (in my life ) hates and yet I can't help him. It sucks to say the least and I know. I have one power that decides if he stays here or not so.... I'll try to be calmer. Please don't sto your petty vents, I'm a silly gal who doesn't know where to post and I love to hear everyone's stories!

Don't feel guilty! I've been on a lot of different forums and the one thing they all have in common is that people share with each other. We might start out wanting nothing more than a cooking forum, but you can't have a forum for any length of time before people start to get to know each other and are friends with each other. So when life hits us in the solar plexus, we automatically turn to our friends. And that's the way it should be.

If we couldn't share with each other, what would be the point of having a forum?

Besides, my petty vent got taken care of today when I saw what the temps are going to do next week. Originally I was going to complain about the huge, long list of items I had to buy at the store when I went shopping next Thursday, but I ain't a-shoppin' in no 90 degree weather and that's that. So shopping list be da...well, forget the shopping list.

I'm going to go out on Monday and get hot weather food: salad, salad, and more salad, because I'm not cooking until next Friday.
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Yes, CG, you are right - I have the Dash Diet book, good book and explains a lot. I also check a lot of things thru the Mayo clinic (John Hopkins and Duke are also good sources).

My rant was on the mis-leading title and how on earth they came up with the total sodium based on what was used. Their math sucks!

Also according to the CDC "The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that Americans consume less than 2,300 milligrams (mg) of sodium each day as part of a healthy eating pattern. The average daily sodium intake for Americans aged 2 years and older is more than 3,400 mg.
Feb 29, 2016"

and yes, my sodium intake is probably hideously high...
I am getting very irritated. I have been on Vicodin for more than ten years. They are for the pain in my hips and spine. The dosage is supposed to be "take two, three times a day. 5-325 mg. I am not sure if that is the total dose of two or just one. I have never asked. I usually take only one. Most of the time that calms down my hips and spine. The only time I may take the two of them together is if I was walking too much outside.

There are some days I don't need to take any. And there are days when I am so grateful I have them. The problem is for some folks, they make them sleepy. So I take one, the second one later if I feel I still need it. For me, they give me energy you wouldn't believe. Every time I take the two, the family joke is, "There she goes, up on the roof to scrub it on her hands and knees."

I took two Wednesday and was up for 36 hours straight. Then when I fell asleep, it was from pure exhaustion. And of course I fell asleep through my timed Gabapentin doses.

Well, now the neuropathy from the diabetes that I knew would hit me sooner or later, has arrived. Winthrop has informed me that I can take the Vicodin with the Gabapentin if the pain is too unbearable. But that I should continue to stick to my regular times of dosage if I can. Use my own judgement. Am I addicted to them? That would be a resounding "No!" A couple of years ago I asked to have the amount I receive every month reduced since I don't always need that many. So unless the pain from my hips has gone into my spine, I don't want it. Or if the neuropathy pain is so bad that the Gabapentin is just not doing the job. I waited too long to take them. Trying to get back on my regular dosage schedule.

They work with great with the Gabapentin. They stop the neuropathy pain and any pain I might have in my hips and spine. But I stay up for hours on end, and then collapse into oblivion. Missing all the regular timed dosages for my other meds. And that concerns me. Because I am missing my heart, neuropathy and thyroid medications. Along with some of the many other meds I take. Not take the Vicodin and learn to live with the pain from two incurable problems that are only getting worse with age and time, or take them and stay up for hours on end and then collapse into such a deep sleep that I miss my other very important meds.

I have hatred of all opioids for some personal reasons that I won't get that I'm doing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) medicine, I have a lot of chronic pain patients on opioids. They look like zombies, pale with dark circles under their eyes and major intestinal issues...mind you these are people who have been on very high doses for a very long time.
New York recently legalized medical marijuana and I've watched as these patients changed to Cannabidiol Oil (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in various ratios. The CBD is great for inflammation, the THC great for pain. I watched every single patient get off of opioids within a month or so...color back in their faces, no dark circles under their eyes.
When my idiot insurance company denied the surgery, it cancelled my OR date of July 17th. I had been toughing out the pain waiting for that date...and when it was cancelled until a future unknown date (at that time), I decided to discuss it with a local D.O. who is certified in dispensing.
She promised me the doses she prescribed would not get me high and would improve my pain. At that point I was using a walker and my feet were like balloons...okay, not really that bad but I've never had swollen feet before.
It took nine days for the paperwork to go through, but I got my card and went to the dispensary on Thursday. The pharmacist gave me a good 40 minute consult, she felt that the 1:1 ratio my doctor had written for was too low, even if I was opioid naïve (someone who has not taken any opioids for their pain), and recommended doubling the dose if the first dose didn't help.

So Thursday late afternoon I took a single dose...nothing much happened. After 30 minutes as the pharmacist suggested, I took a second dose. I very quickly got exhausted, most likely from the lack of pain. If I wasn't on my feet I was pain free. As she promised, it did not get me high but I did have an odd ringing in my ears similar to the ringing I get with a high fever. Did not take a dose before bed.
Next morning...getting out of bed is a bear and the worst moment of the day...usually compounded by getting only 3 hours sleep. This morning...still no fun but I would say a decrease in pain about 30%. Six hours of sleep...hadn't seen THAT in awhile. I have not used the walker or cane to get to the kitchen...that's different. I take a double dose of the 1:1 ratio and I will say that although walking is still painful, it's manageable and I have not used a walker or cane since Thursday. I am by no means walking normal...but I'm getting to my destination independently which is a welcomed ability. I would say I have tripled the amount of walking I can do since Friday.

For those with chronic pain on opioids, if your state is legal, there are other options. Not covered by insurance but every person at the dispensary that day qualified for financial need and didn't pay a cent....everyone but me that is, but I did get a veteran discount!
I am planning on bringing it to the hospital and use it instead of the pain pump opioids. We will see how it goes...
The Mayo Clinic supports the DASH Diet. They offer two levels of daily sodium limits, 2,300 and 1,500. I suppose if you don't have high BP or it is well managed, 2,300 is still fine. If you need to get your BP reduced, 1,300 is the better level.

If you don't use processed foods, or very few, I would think sodium isn't much of a worry. I check package ingredients regularly and would guess that we are significantly under 2,300 every day. Just not today, with ham being on the menu...

You would think that with all the health problems I have developed over the past 20 years, at least one doctor would have told my to limit my salt intake. Nope. Has yet to happen. Fortunately for me, I am not nor ever have been a big salt user. There have been a few times when it has been difficult to even get a BP reading. I am just grateful that high blood pressure is one problem I don't have. And it is not to any conscience effort on my part.
As much as I ranted on GH's calculations of salt for a 'healthy' recipe - I made it last night and it was absolutely DELISH! Of course I did not use their salt. I did one 1/4 turn on the grinder. ;)

Shrimp and Mango Skewers: I'll post the recipe...


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So my fiancé dad has apparently lost it, he is accusing my fiancé of stealing all of his stuff. He is ranting about getting warrants and my fiancé is really hurt/ mad. The sister told him about it so I suggested he call his dad himself. Yep, dad still ranting. Well obviously he hasn't taken anything. The last time we were there we took him a knife that we bought at a dog hunting show. Anywho, fiancé has temper and called the dad, said he was dead to him and they had blowout. I'm trying to explain to him that his dad has dementia for sure, not to take it personally but no avail....
So my fiancé dad has apparently lost it, he is accusing my fiancé of stealing all of his stuff. He is ranting about getting warrants and my fiancé is really hurt/ mad. The sister told him about it so I suggested he call his dad himself. Yep, dad still ranting. Well obviously he hasn't taken anything. The last time we were there we took him a knife that we bought at a dog hunting show. Anywho, fiancé has temper and called the dad, said he was dead to him and they had blowout. I'm trying to explain to him that his dad has dementia for sure, not to take it personally but no avail....

This is a time when your patience is going to be tested to your limits. Hang in there. Your fiancé is going to need your support more than ever right now. Try to talk to him when he is calmer. After a few days have gone by and he has had time to think it over. Perhaps then he will be more willing to listen to reason.
So my fiancé dad has apparently lost it, he is accusing my fiancé of stealing all of his stuff. He is ranting about getting warrants and my fiancé is really hurt/ mad. The sister told him about it so I suggested he call his dad himself. Yep, dad still ranting. Well obviously he hasn't taken anything. The last time we were there we took him a knife that we bought at a dog hunting show. Anywho, fiancé has temper and called the dad, said he was dead to him and they had blowout. I'm trying to explain to him that his dad has dementia for sure, not to take it personally but no avail....

Have him read up on Dementia, those personal buttons hurt. It will take some time for your fiance to understand that it is NOT his Dad that has said this. Especially in phone conversations, folks with Dementia can think that it is someone else on the phone, not their loved one. Good thoughts and hugs for you both.
The first time I saw my mother after her dementia got worse than "very mild", she wouldn't believe I was her daughter. She was convinced I was an imposter. That was very disconcerting, but convincing.
The first time I saw my mother after her dementia got worse than "very mild", she wouldn't believe I was her daughter. She was convinced I was an imposter. That was very disconcerting, but convincing.

Spike would go to see his father. His father would yell that he wanted to see Spike. So Spike would leave, go outside for a cigarette, come back in and say "Hi Dad." His father would yell at him for being so late and wanted to know where he had been. This happened every time until he no longer knew anyone. He also had cancer of the throat with a tube in his stomach for feeding. So he didn't last long with the Alzheimer.
got a 6 to 7 hour drive tomorrow. going to my sisters to pick-up a china cabinet of one of our grandmothers. She wants to sell it and I said NEVER it is a family heirloom. Neither of her sons want it, my son does. So before they sell/toss it (she's moving) I have to get there and rescue it.

BTW, Dear Sister:
I understand you're under a great deal of stress - going from a huge home to one less than a 1/4 of the size. But... don't get snippity with me! Tarnation! I just spent a day'n a half trying to arrange care of the farm, with the goslings priority. Plus the horses, cats, etc... PLUS preparing a full meal for when I arrive. You ain't the only one with stress, sweet cheeks! Having problems with installation dates of the fibreoptics, the reno's on the bathroom, patio being reset and guy gettin very sick... Wild Parsnip taking over the place... give me a break - but I'm not snippity with the folks who are not part of the problem! at least not until now! you were brought up better than that, try using a little self control instead of giving in. Yeah, sure! I rant and rave and cry and scream... BUT IN PRIVATE! nobody undeserving :rolleyes: takes the brunt of my anger, frustration.

Except of course, the poor listeners at Discuss Cooking.... thanks guys:(
Glad to be here for you dragnlaw. Vent all you want. You wouldn't be the first one.

I have decided to limit myself to two Vicodin a day. There are some days I don't need it at all. Today was one of those days. It is just a matter of trying to stay off my feet as much as I can.
I hate clothes shopping.

1 1/2 hours in Kohl's, four items: 1 pair capri jeans, three summer tops. All on sale -- plus a 15% off coupon. Total spent: $27.and change.

1 hour in Target, one item: 1 summer-into-fall top, not on sale, $25. But it IS cute!

Still, I hate clothes shopping.
I hate clothes shopping.

1 1/2 hours in Kohl's, four items: 1 pair capri jeans, three summer tops. All on sale -- plus a 15% off coupon. Total spent: $27.and change.

1 hour in Target, one item: 1 summer-into-fall top, not on sale, $25. But it IS cute!

Still, I hate clothes shopping.

Losing all the weight was fine. It gave me a waistline again. My daughter took me shopping for a whole new wardrobe. We had the whole day out going from store to store. Now this past year, even though I am holding at the same weight, my body has decided to play games with me. My whole shape is changing. The only thing that really still fits me is the Spring coat she bought. But I had to get the belt cut down and re-sewn. All the pants and slacks are falling down. So I bought a belt. Even that is now too big now. Not enough holes. And to punch a couple of more holes makes the belt look too long. Everything from the skin out is too big.

So each month now, I go on line and buy one or two items starting from the skin out. September I will be getting all new tops. I definitely went down a couple of sizes on them. And this month I bought a couple of bottoms. One slacks and one shorts. Down one size.

This has become a "be careful what your wish for, you just might get it" item. I have a closet full of clothes that I love and that are falling off me. :wacko:
Cooking Goddess, Im fat in Sweden, I can seldom find anything, Im american size 20 and that is most often the biggest size you can find in store if you are lucky, most end at 18. Yeah, I cant buy a tshirt for 25 USD when the same one in size 18 is only 12 USD..

I am also short so HM is a no go, there plus size is made for amazons, not humans.
Cooking Goddess, Im fat in Sweden, I can seldom find anything, Im american size 20 and that is most often the biggest size you can find in store if you are lucky, most end at 18. Yeah, I cant buy a tshirt for 25 USD when the same one in size 18 is only 12 USD..

I am also short so HM is a no go, there plus size is made for amazons, not humans.

I only stand at 4'6" tall. I have to hem everything. And if I buy a long sleeve top, I have to hem the sleeves also. If it is a button cuff, I just move the button over far enough so that the sleeve doesn't come down over my hand. But there have been a few times when I have had to remove the cuff entirely, and just hem the edge of the sleeve. Otherwise I take it to the tailors and have them do it for me. It depends if it is a dress top or just for casual wear. If I could get a breast reduction back to a size A cup, I could buy children's clothing. Then all my clothing problems would be solved.
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Oh I have long legs, but short torso, how ever HM clothes are made for giants not humans.

Every clothes maker for women's clothing have their own idea of what size 10 is. From that size, they determine what all the rest of their sizes are. I had a landlord that worked for Pricilla Wedding Gowns here in Boston as a sticher. They were a BIG name in wedding gowns until the designer died and they closed down. She is the one who told me about determining sizes. We had two White House weddings and both brides wore a Pricilla Gown.

Most models are a size 10. Not every model could work for every designer. What is a size 10 for one designer is a size 6 for another. And you expect to win when you go clothes shopping????
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