Landscapers tell me that I can empty all my savings accounts and throw it their way to make my yard pretty.
I may end up picking and choosing parts to be done over time. One suggestion that I like is to grow Pyrocanthra along my wall. It grows quickly, looks pretty, is related to apples so the berries can be used to make jelly, and will encourage the people in the shopping center behind me from jumping the fence when running from whatever. My tree prevented trespassers before, so maybe firethorns will prevent them from coming over the wall when it is made.
I've always wanted fruit trees, so am thinking of a pair of dwarf fruit trees as well along with a crepe myrtle. I want to see which plants return on the hill so am delaying that for now. Since I am getting this all done, I hope to put in a wrought-iron railing along the steps to the second patio, a small stone landing in front of my shed, and extending stone work to the front yard. I have patio lights so want them to secure some tubes so that I can better secure them. When done, I will take some before and after pictures.
@Aunt Bea I love that arbor. For a while, I was considering putting a fireplace next to the wall and a sitting area very like that. However, what would happen is it would become a late-night hangout for those loitering in our nearby open drug-market (aka back-of-the-house-shopping center parking lot after dark.)