Oven-dried Cherry Tomatoes

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Master Chef
Oct 17, 2004
Southern Illiniois
I used Sweet 100's, which are more like grape tomatoes. Wash tomatoes
and pick off stems. Cut tomatoes in half and place on foil-lined
baking sheets, cut side up. Sprinkle with salt. Place in oven
pre-heated to lowest temperature possible (170 degrees on mine). Let
dry in oven for 7-8 hours, until dry but still pliable.
Put in small bags with a little garlic and olive oil, and freeze for
later use in recipes that call for sun-dried tomatoes.

These are delicious...the flavor intensifies and sweetens as they dry,
making them like little "tomato raisons".

This sounds great, since so many places I've lived, sweet 100s were the only tomatoes we could successfully grow (Hawaii and Florida -- between various molds, diseases, bugs and birds, we simply could not get a full-size tomato, but the sweet 100s came through every time). Now that I live in the midwest, I'm in tomato heaven for a few months of the year.

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