Our pets

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What a pretty and cute kitteh. I remember when you told us that you had adopted her. Happy Birthday Sweet Pea.
Thank you.
Baby Sweet Pea and mama.

Good-bye Maybelle

I know most of you will think this is stupid but Maybelle, my four-year-old fan-tailed goldfish, died this morning. Sara, her life-long tank-mate wouldn't leave her side. They both ate the first bite of every meal from my hand. I wouldn't have believed it before starting my little indoor aquaponic herb garden but Goldfish have more personality than I ever thought possible. Their tank is four feet from my desk and they watched me as much as I watch them. Sara and I will both miss her.
I know most of you will think this is stupid but Maybelle, my four-year-old fan-tailed goldfish, died this morning. Sara, her life-long tank-mate wouldn't leave her side. They both ate the first bite of every meal from my hand. I wouldn't have believed it before starting my little indoor aquaponic herb garden but Goldfish have more personality than I ever thought possible. Their tank is four feet from my desk and they watched me as much as I watch them. Sara and I will both miss her.

I'm so sorry for your loss.
Sorry, Skillet, about Maybelle. I'm sure you have developed a sweet bond with your goldfish. As a kid I had a goldfish with more personality than some of the classmates I interacted with. I hope Sara doesn't feel too lonely.

Caffeine Latte de Cappuccino

"An affectionate companion and a quiet friend"

“Don’t forget; between Hello and Goodbye there was Love. So much Love.”


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Thanks Ladies, having a hard time with this as I am still on quarantine and I have my baby in a box. Can't take her for cremation and my phone has no reception here.

Hermione is walking around calling for Latte.
Thanks Ladies, having a hard time with this as I am still on quarantine and I have my baby in a box. Can't take her for cremation and my phone has no reception here.

Hermione is walking around calling for Latte.

This might sound unpleasant, but can you let the other cats see and sniff Latte? When my cat Sucha died, Shreddy sniffed her and went back to check her out several times. It seemed to give him the chance to understand that she was no longer in her body. He did seem depressed (Like me and DH) for the next few weeks, but he didn't go searching for her.
This might sound unpleasant, but can you let the other cats see and sniff Latte? When my cat Sucha died, Shreddy sniffed her and went back to check her out several times. It seemed to give him the chance to understand that she was no longer in her body. He did seem depressed (Like me and DH) for the next few weeks, but he didn't go searching for her.

Both Hazel and Hermione have been standing vigil over the box. They were both present when I picked Latte up and put her in the box. I did let them see her and they both got to sniff her, even Buttercup got a chance, too. The new kittens, Sabina and Rachel have been near the box a few times, but don't seem too interested.

Hermione is calming down and sitting near me when she's not by the box. Thanks.
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