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I think he knew. I called from work to set up the appointment and when I came home he scooted over to me and licked my hand several times. That just about broke my heart. Ollie was never a licker! That is the only time he has licked me (except to lick food off my fingers) in all his 12 years. These are two of the final pictures we took. One at home and one at the vet's. He was such a sweet tempered dog.


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Awww. They know, Jabbur. Ollie loved you, and you will see him again.

And now I'm a mush mess again.
Me too!

There's a one-eyed back cat, his name is Gopher and he is the best cat ever, look for him Ollie!
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Ollie, watch for my Ozzie. He'll keep you company. :wub: Teary eyed here, too....


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Sweet Ozzie. Sweet Gopher.

OK, guys, just cut it out. More mush mess.
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On a happier note, we picked up our new doggie from the Humane Society today! He is some kind of Terrier. So far he's timid, just walking around the house sniffing, getting to know the place. If we walk toward him he runs away. His name was Dusty, but we changed his name to Rusty. I hope he doesn't mind!


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:wub: Sweet pup. I had a Rusty, the most beautiful cocker. Beautiful but dumb as a post.

Terriers are much smarter. Enjoy your new puppy, Carol!
And this is the "No! Never again. We are never going to get another dog!" But I can see how he won Himself over. He is adorable. :angel:
I may be a crazy cat lady but I do love dogs! Thank you, Carol, for getting your doggie from the shelter. Rusty is just what you needed.

There is a saying in our home:

I wanted a Beagle, but I needed my Lilly.

I'm happy for you, Carol!
Three legged dog!

Teddy came in tonight hobbling on three legs. He has always been chewing on his hind leg. We never thought anything of it. He never limped and when you examined it, it looked fine. So whatever was bothering him finally came out today. And it started to bleed. It happened when Spike had him out for one of his daily walks. He let out a loud yelp and Spike stopped and picked him up to look at his foot. It was pumping out blood in large drops. When Spike put him back down, he walked on just three legs.

When he got him home, he washed his foot and bandaged it. The bandage came off quick. He wasn't having any of that. So he just laid there on his bed licking away. Then it was time for him to come here. He walked all the way here on his three good legs. My bed/couch is rather high. Normally he would just jump up for his scratchies. But he couldn't do it with just three legs. So I had to pick him up. When I stopped he nestled right next to me with his head on my lap. Then he decided he wanted down so Uncle Pirate could give him more scratchies. I had to put him down real easy and he hobbled over to Uncle Pirate. Then he went over to his bed that I have here for him. Time for more paw licking. Whatever was in his foot gave him a nice hole in his paw.

We figure it must have worked it way partway out and when Teddy stepped down with that paw, it tore his paw. Spike looked at it real good and couldn't see anything there except a nice neat hole. Poor baby! I hope he will be better in a couple of days. I will have to give him extra scratchies tomorrow. :angel:
Carol, Rusty is just the right size to be a lap puppy. And I bet he will win Himself over as well as you. Give him time and when he is ready, he will let you know. Did you get him any special doggie treats? He looks like he would really love some.

Hugs and love for Rusty from me and Teddy. We both are so glad you got a rescue doggie and giving him a new 'forever home.' There is a special place in heaven for people who care about animals. :angel:
Rusty is 3 years old, and we might have to change his name again to Speedy. I had him in the yard on the leash. I dropped the leash and he took off. Heart disease and all, I didn't think I could still run! I was running up the street screaming and he was running as fast as his little legs would take him! I lost sight of him and was almost crying. A neighbor I don't even know came out and drove me around in her car looking for him. Then when DH couldn't find us, he figured out what happened and he was driving around too. I guess we both spotted him at the same time. The leash had gotten caught on someone's back steps. By the time I got around to the steps, DH already had him. Thank God! He sure got a good run in, and now he is sound asleep! They told me to make sure he gets a lot of exercise! LOL
Terriers are wiley. Be glad you didn't get a Jack Russel. We used to dog-sit for one, he was a real con artist.
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