Mudbug's Hot Tub for Refined Ladies Who are Kind to Animals

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
OUCH! That does sound bad. Mudbug, I heartily approve of your recent additions to the staff, especially those security a man in uniform. *slipping into the water* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! That is just what I needed! That Krug is good stuff *chug!* bring me another would you please Pepe?

And ladies I brought some munchies on those cute floatie are some samosas, roasted garlic and brie, fresh salsa and warm tortillas. Anyone interested? I brought fresh cinnamon buns and warm banana bread with butterscotch chips too.
Hmm, since mudbugs hot tub is apparently located near the guys camping/fishing area(so says goodweed), pepe, can you build us a fire place? And since I cannot keep up with all our cabana mens names, can one of you go steal some fish for our cook out tonight? :LOL:
mudbug said:
New additions to the hot tub staff, Scott and Steve (former Navy Seals), are looking into the situation, Half Baked.

No worries.

unfortunately, scott and steve just returned from massachusetts where they were wed in their dress whites.


gw, you lay down supressing fire with the water guns.

ronjohn, work with gw and set up a kill zone.

vyapti, you lob the water ballons really high up in the air at them.

while they're looking up, allen, you blast 'em head on.

vagriller, get those stink bombs ready to cover our retreat.

now men, if we get overrun, just poke yourself in the eye really hard so it starts to tear, then tell the ladies how much you miss your wife, or dog, or something. they'll go easy on you.
well, not gruppenfuhrer mudbug. if she gets her hands on you, we'll tell your families how you went out fighting...
WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! Pepe! Steve! Somebody! There are some mean men throwing water balloons at us! Get 'em! *middie cover me, I'm going in with my super soaker*
HA! Got you you big meanie BT! *SPLOOOOOOSH!!* Go middie!! Heeheehee! See? The boys don't REALLY like fishing and boy stuff, they'd rather be over here with us girls!
Totally! Do you see where BT went? Should we get back in the tub? I need more Krug....Pepe???
Middie...EVERYONE loves extra frosting! If not to eat, then to toss at marauders. BT, is that you lurking behind that bush?
Hey...I like the way you think middie *ptooie*. LOL! Well, sadly I must leave. I'll catch you later on tonight. Did I hear that there was going to be music here later? Keith Urban is coming to serenade us?
Jumping in a hot tub after over eating isn't like going swimming right? I could use a soak and some relaxation, a cocktail or two probably would make the evening.:)
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