Alix said:
Goodweed, my dear man, it is precisely because most of us spend our days dealing with real "manly men" that we like to be waited on hand and foot and have pedicures from handsome and silent men.
Hi ladies, its a gorgeous day here, I made raspberry margaritas and have fresh salsa and hot chips.
Ah, I suspect that you understand the "Hollywood" version of the real, manly man. Let me explain the "Goodweed" version.
1. A manly man is confident in his abilities, but understands that he has limitations as do all living people, and understands the need for humility, which of course allows him to listen and learn.
2. A manly man understands that he is not the be-all/end-all of the universe, but merely another human who not only wants companionship, but requires it.
3. A manly man understands fully that a marriage is an equal partnership where both parties, male and female put the needs of the other before their own needs.
4. A manly man, though at some times a playfull rascal, loves to spread happiness, and assist in times of need.
5. A manly man is the man who takes on life with passion and vigor, who would rather ride horesback with a broken leg than sit on a couch all-day watching TV.
6. A manly man has Faith in something greater than himself.
7. A manly man is true to his word and exhibits honor in all of his dealings, every minute of every day.
8. A manly man knows fear and pain, but does what must be done in spite of it.
9. A manly man knows how to admit failure, defeat, and sorrow when circustances require it of him., But he tries very hard to suceed.
10. A manly man admits his mistakes, and is not afraid to say "I'm sorry".
11. A manly man is absolutely faithful to his wife and family. She and the children are first in his life.
12. A manly man is honest in his freindships.
13. A manly man is a happy man.
14. A manly man is organized, and at the same time, enjoys spontenaity.
15. A manly man says "I love you." to his wife often, and means it every time.
16. A manly man is mortal, and makes mistakes, and just sometimes, needs a kick in the gluteous maximus to straighten him out.
17. A manly man knows how to cook!
And the attributes go on.
Now who would you want to be in the company of, a manly man, even if he throws the occasional soft snowball, or water balloon, or do you want to hang out with the paid help?
Seeeeeya; Goodweed of the North