GotGarlic, thank you for caring too!
Yes the cheese journal started with a list of cheeses I made each day, a date and a cheese type. Then that part changed when I needed to know when it would be good to eat, so the last column is when it is done aging. Then I needed to know when to wax or move it for eye formation, so that became the third column.
The recipe section, I thought the recipe would be the same each time but it is not, and when it is done aging, I might want to change it. Then the dry cultures were made into mother cultures, so instead of 1/4 tsp of dry culture, it went to 1/4 cup of mother culture. Then the rennet went from double rennet to triple rennet, so 1/4th tsp of rennet to 1/3 tsp of triple rennet.
Each recipe is different for one reason or another. Sometimes it says to press for 8 hours but I sleep until 12 hours, so that is made note of in that recipe, that is why each cheese has a name and number. Swiss3 or parmesan2. Then I can check what I did and repeat it or not repeat it as needed.
Then I realized I was losing control of when to wax and move for eye formation (mostly swiss cheese issues), so I put a weekly calendar page in for each week. I put the date of waxing or moving (to room temp or back to the cave).
So the journal is becoming a book.
1st section: date/cheese type/move or wax/eat
2nd section: calendar detailing when to do something wax or move.
3rd section: recipe for that particular cheese with anything that I did different, wrong temperature, or longer or shorter pressing, or stirred too long (some kind of interruption)
Thanks for the offer of wine and crackers!