Last thing that made you smile?

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This morning we were in a hurry to get my son dressed for preschool, and my wife told him to put his underwear on (his Lightning McQueen underwear actually). He pulled the undewear on over his head. He was trying to put his head through the leg hole, but then worked them around so he could look out through the leg hole. Then he proceeded to hop around and dance and scream. He looked so funny that we just had to take a few minutes and be silly.
Getting a phone call, hearing, Hi Ma, will you make me french toast for breakfast tomorrow? Cade called:) then when I said yes, or you can have chocolate muffins with chocolate chips in them if you want and heard a big yippee on the other end of the line, It made me :D Ahhh my little kiddos..
:chef: When I talked with one of my children....all grown, but they still make me come alive, and feel so much better and happier, just hearing their voices. Yes, our families are life itself. :)
I saw a little boy, just a toddler, trying to catch a leaf blowing in the wind. He was so cute. He kept falling on the grass, picking himself up, and chasing that leaf. He never did catch it, but he sure did try.
ooh, anne, you just gave me a great idea for kids that come to my house this haloween. i'm gonna do the old 5 dollar bill on the fishing pole trick. when the kids are just next door, i'll get them chasing the 5 bucks up the block while i hide in the bushes. lol, he he he...:)
My son walking around the house this morning singing "happy birthday to me". He's 10 today so it's kinda bitter sweet. My baby's growing up on me!
kadesma said:
Getting a phone call, hearing, Hi Ma, will you make me french toast for breakfast tomorrow? Cade called:) then when I said yes, or you can have chocolate muffins with chocolate chips in them if you want and heard a big yippee on the other end of the line, It made me :D Ahhh my little kiddos..
I would be whoohooing too.
Yum, those muffins sound delicious!
lovestobake, i've heard it said that our kids are not only our life, but our immortality. teach them what you would want of yourself to carry on.

kads, that's sweet. i'd have been whoopin' it up too!

crewsk, happy birthday to tc!

what made me smile of today was something i did last night. i took my boy for a walk around the block a coupla times last night on his tricycle while dw made him dinner. before we were called in, we played for a while in the sand box in the backyard. i sat quietly, listening to him babble silly words mixed in with ones he's just learned, trying out different ways of saying them.

i used to do a little trick of meditating, shutting out every outside stimuli except for one that i could concentrate on. so i tried this, closing my eyes, focusing in on his angelic voice.

it was great. i was completely in the moment, recording the curious little sounds forever in my memory.

no matter what ever happens, i will always be able to close my eyes and be at the sand box, listening to my boy, my heart swelling with love and pride.
Bucky... your posts about your son and the love you feel
always make my heart smile.
Last week two dear friends and I had an outing - we hit a winery, then a quiilting shop (WOW) then another winery - what a fun day! On the way home we noticed a car 2 cars ahead of us slow as if he wanted to turn left, but no signal (2 lane road) then drift back into the middle of the lane nearly colliding with the fellow behind him sort of as if he were drunk but really because he just didn't know where he was going. The fellow behind him had his window down and his arm was sticking out of the window. After the phantom turn he gestured....nothing rude but the way he did it spoke universally "What on earth are you doing?????? We all had a good chuckle - but maybe it was the wine that made it so funny!:ROFLMAO:

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I'm with Pds, your posts about your son just make me feel so good. I see mothers with their little ones all the time, but I love it when I stumble accross a dad and child together, it is so special. I was brought up with a loving dad and my DH would and will do anything for the kids and grand kids, but they were as the saying goes taught to bring home the bacon and mom raised the kids..Now things have changed and kids are getting the best of both worlds, the love, and care of mom and dad..TOGETHER!!! That makes me smile..
Today, I had Carson, Ethan and Olivia, and it was one of those fun days with cute things..We the two boys and I sat on the kitchen floor and banged pot lids together, then we marched through the kitchen, into the dinining room and down the hall and back to the kitchen banging the lids and the boys marching...It just made me laugh out loud seeing Carson give forth with this big hearty giggly laugh and Ethan started laughing so hard he had to sit down..I tell you playing with them is so special, I'd not trade one minute of it for anything
thanks pds and kads.

this morning i was smiling thinking of how my son counted out his cherry tomatoes with his dinner last night, in his own language.

one, do, fee, hoar, fiiiiiiiiiiii...yaaaayyyy!!!!

yesterday, there was a small fire in a power transformer nearby my house which knocked out power for a while. three traffic helicopters showed up to shoot it. seeing the helicopters, my boy ran outside and started shouting "down, down, now!!! meeeee, meeeee, down now!"

i guess he wanted a ride.
What makes me smile all the time is my beautiful doggy Lukka. She is a Caucasian Ovcharka and has personality to spare. Nine months old now and growing like a weed. A big beautiful fluffy weed.


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CW, that is one beautiful fur ball!!!! What a sweet face!!

My smile came when DS called me last night and told me that he already had a job!!! He is still looking, but, this helps until he gets something else. He has some kind of an appointment with someone at UPS on Sunday. It has to do with the shipping dept, I think is what he said. I just love it!!
I have a couple smiles to share today.

Last night, Callum was giggling in his sleep.

A couple nights ago, I got home from my show at about midnight. Aidan must have heard dh and I talking, he walked out of his room with a big smile, said a sleepy "hi" and wrapped his arms around my leg. I offered to lay down with him while he fell back asleep. We were in there about 10 minutes, I though for sure he was out. His eyes popped open and he said "Mom! I got you a flower on my bike ride!" Then he went to find it. He had carried it all the way back home when he went on his bike ride earlier.
My darling Isobel who, at 19 months, is starting to learn animal noises.
I woke this morning to a gentle quacking coming from her room.

The best way to wake up!
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