Last thing that made you smile?

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A fellow employee at the bank has a 19 year old son with Down Syndrome. His name is Tom. Tom works at the bank 5 days a week for a couple hours during the summer & a couple days a week during the school year. He goes around to the different departments & collects Inter-Office mail in his cart, then takes it up to the mail room. He can't handle anything too complicated. His mom says that his intelligence is around the level of a 4 or 5 year old. But sometimes he comes out with things that are way beyond something a 5 year old would say. :)

Anyway, I love this child. I feel motherly towards him. He's my buddy & I really look forward to seeing him on the days he works. It's the high point of my day. We have some pretty silly conversations because I can easily revert to being 5 years old. :D

When I took the job at the nursing home I told him about it right away. His memory isn't real good so I wanted to start getting him used to the idea. I mentioned it while his "job coach" was there so he could be reminded, if need be. When I told him he said something like: "I'm happy but I'll be very sad."

I saw him today & told him that I didn't know when I would see him again after tomorrow. He remembered & knew that I was going to work at a "Senior Home". Then I told him that I was really going to miss him. He replied with this: "Of course, I will miss you. I *love* you." That totally made my day. Made me smile & nearly brought me to tears. I love him, too!

I didn't ask him if he was going to miss me because when I took a week's vacation a couple months ago I told him that I would miss him while I was gone & asked if he would miss me, too. He said, "Keep dreaming!" with a devilish grin! I guess he realizes that it's more serious this time.
Lord, to hear such a cute story, corinne. i'd may well of burst into tears.
I've been trying to be real good about balancing the checkbook these days. Today I discovered a $300-plus error in our favor.

Sometimes it's good to be bad at math.................
So, whatcha going to buy for me?:LOL:
Mudbug, good things come to those who deserve it - good for you! Corrine, you are such a sweet person - evident in Tom's relationship with you. You have obviously made an impact on his life.

The last thing that made me smile was getting a hug from my 14-year old daughter - as you can see from my face. But my smile grew even larger when she told me she actually wanted a copy of the picture of the two of us - I'm still smiling!:)


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she is just beautiful, and she looks a lot like her mom...both of you make me smile..
About 8 weeks ago one of our outside kitties, Fancy, had six kittens. All adorable, of course. Well, now they're bouncing around and getting a hang of those funny "leg things" they have.

It's turned cooler here the last several days and I took part of Saturday to winterize their outside "house," which is a huge box our desktop computer came in. It's nestled deep in a corner of our huge front porch and I've put an old clean sleeping bag in it for snuggly stuff and there's a clamp-on light with a low watt bulb for warmth.

It's been raining since yesterday afternoon - over 3 inches - so I was wondering where all the little ones were. They'd been staying under some pieces of firewood under a tree that was beside the porch. Okay for dry days. Not so good for rain.

I went out this morning to feed everyone and inside the box were six soundly sleeping little babies. They didn't stir when I walked by, they were so comfy. They looked so sweet and so safe. It looks like I winterized the kitty house just in time for new residents.

There is nothing sweeter than a handful of baby kittens.
I wish I lived closer... I'd come take a peek.
just a minute ago, walking through the family room, Olivia is in the playpen drinking her bottle of milk, Ethan is sprawled infront of the TV watching a video on what sounds each letter of the alphabet makes and Carson is sound asleep next to him clutching his sippy cup...:)

Dina - that is wonderful!

Today my 14-year old daughter walked in from school and said, "Mmmmm, I'm glad you made the soup today. I am not feeling good and that will make me feel better, thank you mommy" - THEN she hugged me. I just smiled again thinking of it.:)
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