Kitchen Photos

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Right! Sorry! I was gonna say I was gonna get a pic.
It takes a while, I have a bad reception in my area for my cell phone, and thats what I have to take the picture on and send to my email.
Here's it is.


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Doesn't look that small to me -- and it's very attractive. I especially like having the sink in the corner windows. My mother's kitchen was like that and we could watch the whole neighborhood from there.
I would love a kitchen like Julia Childs. I saw the photo here. Mine is all stainless steel and very big.
Doesn't look that small to me either. With every house we have had we have moved the sink to face into the room ajoining, so we can gab on and visit without stopping whatever is in progress.
I have a fairly large kitchen, but it's on the other side of ugly :LOL: . Doesn't matter though, it works. I used to have some pictures, I'll see if I can hunt them up.
goboenomo said:
You guys have such nice kitchens...
My house is huge, but for some reason my kitchen is small....

Here's the thing: It's not the size or the number of appliances or anything else that matters as much as whether you love to cook. So nobody should engage in kitchen envy, really, because so many of the people (present company excluded) who spend thousands of dollars on BEAUTIFUL kitchens never actually step into them to cook. They're just accessories to show off.
I am very aware of that.
I do love to cook.
But if I'm gonna enjoy cooking, I'd rather enjoy it in a kitchen like that.
We all would, if we had a choice, but unfortunately, many of us don't.
I have two kitchens. The first picture will be of the original kitchen I used from 1986 to 1994, while we lived in the house but the first floor was under construction. We now use this kitchen for canning and such.

Then a few pictures of my main kitchen. It's funny, when you build your own house and move in when it is brand new, and even before!!, you think you have a new house for say...................twenty years. Been using this kitchen since 1994 so I guess it is no longer new! For me, it's got the basics, but I'm beginning to think maybe it is time for an upgrade!


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Here are the other pictures of my main kitchen that did not load onto previous post.


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Here's mine. It was totally gutted and new walls, ceiling, floor, cabinets, appliances, etc.....

I still have to put up the trim, valance and outlet covers. I'm waiting till we finish the ajoining room that is going to be the dining room/family room. We have to finish the drywall, trim and carpeting in there. I'm holding off on the trim in the kitchen so that it'll blend with the new room.

Hopefully DH will finish up the drywall in the next month so that it'll def. be done by Thanksgiving.
I still haven't got to it, but my ideal kitchen would be the one equipped with dual counter top part marble part SS, regular oven and woodburning oven for the pizzas, gas range with fry top (grill), extra large dual sink, plenty of space for our vairous gadgets (food mixer, gelatiera, bread maker, deep fryer...) and for storage, and an obedient robot who would follow me around and do all the wash up, cleaning and other dirty jobs for me....
I will promise you a pic when I ever get around to realise my dream kitchen:rolleyes:
middie said:
Wow Sizz it looks great !!!!!!!!!

Thanks Mid! I'm pretty proud of it considering we did most all of the work ourselves. One brother of DH helped with the electrical and helped DH lay the new floor and another brother helped put up the header in the large doorway cause that once was a wall and I wanted it opened up. Other than that we did it all ourselves.
come Jan 07 mine will be up and running (I hope no construction delays) and I'll have pics to post. right now imagine a windowless "Pulman" kitchen with basic Whirlpool appliances...yes they work as intended. But it is tight, has no storage to speak of and it's hard to cook with friends in such a small cramped place. THe food seems to be coming out just fine. But I will have a much better time in my new place....much counter and cabinet space, a deep sink, a Wolf 36" range, armoir fridge, second wall oven, etc like room for my KA stand mixer, and room to plate the food properly when going beyond family style.
Alix said:
You might be interested in this thread. I know my kitchen pix are in there somewhere as are many other members.

Love your cabinets by the way.

I just got around now to looking at your pics. Those wood cabinets are exquisite. :)
Thank you! I pondered for a long time what kind of cabinets to get and when I saw these I fell in love. I had them made for me by a carpenter who did our whole kitchen. Thanks for telling me you like them, you made my day!

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