Kitchen Fails ~ Show Us Your Disasters

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There have been a few times where the smell of something overcooking or starting to burn has sent me running to the kitchen. Once, I burned the chicken stock. I was reducing it so it wouldn't take as much space in the freezer and my mind must have wandered. It was not salvageable, even though I tried.
I decided that I’d make a small Apple Crostata (Pie) with some small, tart apples that I had in the fruit ball that no one was eating. What better way to NOT waste food, but to transform it in to something that’s edible. Heh, and don’t I have a recipe of Pâte Brisée in the freezer?

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Somehow, one of the “folds” of the crust fell over while baking. A flood of ooey gooey goodness, ya'know that wonderful brown sugar and cinnamon mixture that fill Apple Pies, came bubbling out on to the pan, which of course lead to burnt sugar; not appealing. Not to mention, that is one funny lookin’ pie!
Mayhaps I will remember to take pictures inside of Lucille when I open her up. I broke her.

I was making bagels and she bound up and made an awful sound. She won't mix things now, though she does move when you hit the switch.

Absolute disaster....
Mayhaps I will remember to take pictures inside of Lucille when I open her up. I broke her.

I was making bagels and she bound up and made an awful sound. She won't mix things now, though she does move when you hit the switch.

Absolute disaster....
Oh no!!! Not Lucille!! [emoji26] I remember when you got her and had the naming contest.
Oh no!!! Not Lucille!! [emoji26] I remember when you got her and had the naming contest.

That was a good time....

I have a new mixer, we are calling it Lucille as well. I need to call KA and get the old one fixed I suppose.
Oops ~ Let's Go With Plan B

Today was Mexican Train NextDoor, and each of us brings
a snack to share as well as whatever you want to drink.
The Neighborhood Gals get together every so often, mostly
to socialize, but we have fun too.


I wanted to take something different, and saw these Mini
Corn Dog Muffins all over Social Media ... I happened
to have all of the ingredients on hand ...
let's give it a shot :chef:


WELL! THAT didn't come out like it should have!
I used Jumbo Franks and box mix Corn Bread ...
dry/nasty Corn Bread, Dogs maybe too big
for minis ?? the Corn Bread just fell away
from the Dog ... not appealing at all! :glare:


It's a good thing I had a Plan B!
I found these Pigs in Blankets in the freezer case
at Kroeger's much more inexpensive than Trader Joe's,
and just as tasty.
I was trying also to make a pretty presentation, and IMHO,
I think I nailed that.
Three different dipping sauces, Hickory Farms Sweet Hot Mustard
in the middle, as well as their Cranberry Mustard
and a dish of Tomato Ketchup.
Love the little dishes and spoons, the Red&White Checkered
Paper is for those plastic red Hot Dog Boats, CUTE!
and everything from Dollar Tree!

When I came in the door, the other gals where there already,
I was a bit late, `cuz I had to re-group with Plan B ... there
was a collective squeal, "Yay! You brought those wieners again!"
So, yeah, I gotta do something different next time! :chef:
Back in the late 90s when I was in a small apartment on my own, I had a small pot of sliced potatoes on the stove to boil for mashed potatoes. The phone rang and I was talking for quite a while. I remember thinking at some point that I could smell someone grilling some where outside. Only no one was grilling, I had successfully burned the potatoes to the pan big time. It was not easy to clean.

My story is from the 90's as well. Probably one of my worst food disasters to date. I'll start by saying that I make an awesome homemade chicken pot pie, that I make to this day, with a nice, creamy interior filled with cooked chicken, peas, carrots, etc. Everything from scratch, including the crust. Well one night I decided to make a beef pot pie. Instead of using flour to thicken the gravy/filling, I used cornstarch. I put it all together and stuck it in the oven. I baked the pie, pulled it out of the oven and let it rest for a little while before cutting into it.

When I cut into it, the entire inside of the pie was like a meat and vegetable jelly. The entire pie went into the trash.
Made some mini chiffrons. Tasted like dust and dirt. Horrible. Crumbled and made me choke and spit for 10min. Felt like coughing up chalk dust. Lol.
Almost cried - worked so hard to butterfly - perfect sauce (which I don't even remember now what it was)
can't believe I never posted this before... :ROFLMAO: even the foil melted! and yup, check out the time stamp.


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I've had a few recent incedents where I mistakenly grabbed a bottle of white vinegar ( instead of water ) in one recipe, and sprinkled in flour ( instead of kosher salt) in another recipe. The flour mistake wasn't too bad, as I noticed the consistency as I was sprinkling it, so other than a few lumps, I managed to salvage that. The vinegar incident, on the other hand, by the time I realized I had made the mistake, it was too late. Both were 100 %. my faul.

On my counter top, I keep numerous bottles that are within arms reach, so when Im cooking, I dont have to rifle through my cabinets to find them, if I have to add a splash of something on quick notice. This includes vinegar, water, a few different oils... The issue I had was the water and white vinegar are in the same type of bottle. I have since marked them with colorful tape, as to easily identify and not mess up again.

As for the flour, we buy some kind of mix that comes in these plastic containers. The containers, although meant to be thrown out, are reusable and can be repurposed. Anyway, Kosher salt comes in a large box, and flour in a large bag. I dont have counter space for nice jars to keep them out, and I often have recipes where I used just a tablespoon or two of flour ( for thickening purposes. or a few sprinkles of the salt. Obviously, when baking or larger projects I go to the bigger supply, but for me its more practical to keep the smaller amounts close by where I need them when Im in action, and dont want to risk walking away from the pan/ pot. Anyway, same thing happened with th flour / salt. The vinegar I chalk off as I should have known better, but an honest ( but stupid) mistake for not labeling two things that look identical in identical bottles. As for the flour and salt, even when putting them into these containers, I told my wife Id screw it up, even with them labeled. Ive since wrapped one of the plastic containers with a strip of duct tape, so I dont mix them up. Th flour and salt I keep in thee cupboard.

Id say you live and you learn, but obviously I didnt learn. Maybe I will the next time.
Almost cried - worked so hard to butterfly - perfect sauce (which I don't even remember now what it was)
can't believe I never posted this before... :ROFLMAO: even the foil melted! and yup, check out the time stamp.

Yes but after you picked away the dark-ish bits and melted tin... how did it taste?? :chef:
I was having a large dinner party for Winter Solstice. I was serving Cornish game hens. I was roasting some of them in the toaster oven. They caught fire. DH put out the fire with baking soda. I think I rinsed them; patted them dry; and finished roasting them in the big oven. Or maybe they were just chucked. I don't really remember. I know I was in a panic. At least it wasn't all the meat that was going to be served.
Yes but after you picked away the dark-ish bits and melted tin... how did it taste?? :chef:

After 3 hours plus on the grill - that meat was so dry and tough, couldn't have cut it with a saw. It all went into the bin.

LOL believe me - I checked! :pig:
I made a whole bunch of chili and then thought I would add some food coloring into the pot and dumped a whole bunch of cummun into it thinking that i t was food coloring. It ruined the chili.
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