ISO Baking Time Conversion

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
I found a recipe for a Pineapple Coffee Cake that I'd like to try, but it calls for a 9X13 inch pan, too much cake for this household.
I want to half the recipe and bake it in a 9X9X2 inch square pan.
The recipe calls for a 1 hour bake time for the 9X13" pan and I have been searching the Internet for hours now, looking for a conversion bake time, to no avail.

How long do I bake a 9X9 inch cake for? 30 minutes? 45?
Kgirl, I'm not a baker but from a lot of recipes converted down for 2 that I've seen I imagine it would be in the 40 minute range. I think it really depends on the moistness of the batter mix. Pineapple in itself is pretty dense and moist.

You may even want to change it to a round pan as a square pan may have a problem with corners.???
Hope this helps.

For Baking in an 350 degree F. oven -

  • 24 Cupcakes....18 to 23 minutes
  • Two 8 x 1-1/2 inch round baking pans....35 to 40 minutes
  • Two 9 x 1-1/2 inch round baking pans....30 to 35 minutes
  • Two 8 x 8 x 2 inch baking pans....25 to 35 minutes
  • Two 9 x 9 x 2 inch baking pans....25 to 35 minutes
  • One 13 x 9 x 2 inch baking pan....30 to 35 minutes
  • One 15 x 10 x 1 inch baking pan....25 to 30 minutes
  • 10 to 12 cup Bundt cake pan....35 minutes to one hour
Inserted from <>
yeah Ms M, I saw that site too, but how do I then convert from a 1 hour bake time for the 9X13 pan if I want to halve the recipe and baked it in a 9X9 pan?

I was kinda thinkin' along the lines of Dragn-about 30-40 minutes?
Do I just wing it and keep testing the cake at the 30 minute mark>
yeah Ms M, I saw that site too, but how do I then convert from a 1 hour bake time for the 9X13 pan if I want to halve the recipe and baked it in a 9X9 pan?

I was kinda thinkin' along the lines of Dragn-about 30-40 minutes?
Do I just wing it and keep testing the cake at the 30 minute mark>

It has the times right there. 25 - 35 minutes. 9X9 is roughly half 9x13 pan. I always do the toothpick test also because times vary from day to day (humidity and such effect baking). I would divide a make 2 cakes. Freeze one.
Actually Kgirl, I'm rethinking it will probably not be too far off it's original timing. I say this because I have seen two recipes that make mini loaves and they bake for almost the same length of time.

But you are absolutely spot on with testing testing testing as you go along.

I've seen those charts too, but they are definitely for fluffy layer cake type batters. I haven't seen your recipe but it sounds like a heavier, almost like your carrot cake type.
Actually Kgirl, I'm rethinking it will probably not be too far off it's original timing. I say this because I have seen two recipes that make mini loaves and they bake for almost the same length of time.

But you are absolutely spot on with testing testing testing as you go along.

I've seen those charts too, but they are definitely for fluffy layer cake type batters. I haven't seen your recipe but it sounds like a heavier, almost like your carrot cake type.

That is true. Density makes a difference in baking times. I have used the chart above for light cakes.
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