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I really have to give this a try. It sounds great. I have never had a pita pizza. I have the hummus; I have the wholewheat pitas; I have other toppings. I don't think I waould have thought of using hummus as a pizza sauce.
It's just something I came up with one day and I've been making them ever since. It's really good. I've added diced onion before as well.
one thing i've noticed is that when i eat raw onion without any other food or without drinking i get a nausea very fast..
why is that?
do you have the same condition??
Raw onions affect a lot of people. I too am affected by the sulphur compounds found in the allium family. Gives me a belly ache but not necessarily nausea. That goes for almost all the onion family from chives, green onions, on up to large sweet mild onions. Cooked is a different matter and I almost always cook yellow onions, shallot or scallions to go along with... everything from eggs to steaks!

I do not recommend eating just onion alone. It is very hard on your stomach. If you must consume raw onion, soaking in water for 15 20 minutes before consuming might help rid of some of the sulphur. But personally I dont' think it will stop your gut ache enough to warrant even thinking about it.

So now I must ask, why are you eating raw onions alone?
I got no issue with raw onions, but I won't eat one like I eat an apple ;)
But raw onion with a burger or with herring is fine
Plus in a salad
My sensitivity to Sulphite is my bane. But I do also love onions and eat a lot of them... but cooked.
Yes, I sometimes have them raw under certain circumstances (egg or tuna salads, sometimes green salads). but I really do try to avoid them raw. Or I usually soak raw in water first (as I mentioned before) it helps a bit, not really enuf but a bit.
Raw onions affect a lot of people. I too am affected by the sulphur compounds found in the allium family. Gives me a belly ache but not necessarily nausea. That goes for almost all the onion family from chives, green onions, on up to large sweet mild onions. Cooked is a different matter and I almost always cook yellow onions, shallot or scallions to go along with... everything from eggs to steaks!

I do not recommend eating just onion alone. It is very hard on your stomach. If you must consume raw onion, soaking in water for 15 20 minutes before consuming might help rid of some of the sulphur. But personally I dont' think it will stop your gut ache enough to warrant even thinking about it.

So now I must ask, why are you eating raw onions alone?
it is very very common in hummus restaurants to eat a lot of raw onions along with the hummus or other similar plate.....
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