I maybe certifiably crazy, but I have an idea!

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Head Chef
Dec 13, 2011
Detroit, Michigan
So yeah, I had an idea. My family, and I love bread, pizza, and other things of that nature. So in my infinite wisdom, have decided to build me a little something, sort of a spring, summer, and fall project.

So far I have a bunch of people that want to help me out with this project, including MI Smoke....

The project, a wood fired, brick pizza/ bread oven. I have a nice little spot picked out in the back yard. And because our septic tank needs to be replaced, I will have no shortage of wood. We have to drop something like 4 trees. I plan on starting it after Memorial Day weekend, we have a bunch of family coming here then. Don't want to have the yard tore up for that. As soon as the project starts I plan to be posting up pictures, all along the way.

Tell me what you all the about this new endeavor.
Sounds like a good way to stay busy. Idle hands are the devils workshoppe ya know? We like home made French Bread Pizzas cooked in the house oven. Takes a lot of work out of it and gives more time for sinning etc.
One of my fellow food truckers in Omaha has a brick oven on a trailer, Prarie Fire Pizza is the name and this dude makes some absolutely killer pizza pies. I say go for it. Wood fired pizza is the best!
I pretty much have a plan. All I have to do is put it to paper, just have to get out my drafting tools, and sit down and do it.
Always got to love new toys! Sounds like a killer idea, can't wait to see pics!
Getting closer to the start of this project. I have some bricks already purchased for the bottom of this. Basically the bottom is just a big square, the one side that is open.
Always enjoy seeing someone doing more to cook outdoors.
I hope it goes smoothly for you.

It'll be a nice place to hang out in the winter too.
Pizza Oven? I happen to have one.

A few years back, I had the same brain-storm, and built a pizza oven at my winter home in Sinaloa Mexico...one of the smarter ideas I've had.
I didn't use fire brick, because I am too cheap, and they don't have fire brick in my neighborhhd. I used the local fired building bricks.
I burn a local wood, and can get 1000 degrees in one hour. I let the fire die down to 800 degrees, and I can cook a large pizza in two minutes. I also cook chicken, beef, bread, etc.
Mucho plans on the Net for the construction, and also websites on cooking with a woodfired oven.
Just jump in with both feet, and do it; you and family will love it.
Yall must have good bricks. Few times I tried getting regular old bricks hot they started popping like Orville Reddenbackers popping corn. That is a real famous neighborhood you got there. Hear that name on TV a lot as in the Sinaloa Cartel. Can you send any free samples? Thanks.
Yeah...the cartels are a very real and dangerous thing. I've spent over 35 years of my young life living in Sinaloa and Durango, and have become allergic to AK47s and other rapid-fire toys. Also...I'm the only white guy in the village, and am easy to find, so I tend not to give the up-raised finger to people who upset me with their lack of driving skills.
The bricks we use, are simple fired bricks, cooked in an igloo type affair, made from the bricks themselves. The one thing I did do, was to build a small fire in my new oven, and cook the insides for 2 & 1/2 days, to get rid of any moisture in the bricks.
The free samples must be picked up in person, at 20 bucks a kilo. While picking up any samples, feel free to fish for large mouth bass, in the lake that's 3 miles from my home. We hold the Latin American record at 19 pounds one oz., caught by a Texan, too. So far, my best is a little over 13 pounds. You might not like these fish; your arms get too tired, and the cold beer gives you one of those ice-cream headaches.
Ok..I might have figured it out. I'll see if I can get some photos.
One is my house; two are showing the mason putting the bricks on the form for the curved ceiling, and one showing the completed oven, after a few years use.
I used pavers for the floor, and regular bricks for the inside ceiling, and a double row of bricks and about 10 inches of dirt, capped with another row of bricks on the walls.
With 1000 degrees inside, the roof will be barely warm.
I have the oven built up about 48 inches, so you don't have to lean over to see inside, with storage in the bottom for wood.
I think my inside measurements are 34"x36". That's plenty big. I wanted to cook a few pizzas at a time, but I found out that's not necessary, as I'm cooking a pizza in 2 to 3 minutes.


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Wow that is very cool, I've always thought I wanted one. That mason is really getting into his work. And about that house ... how many folks live there that's a big place or should I say palace, very nice.
Just me in the wintertime.
It is kinda large; 120' across the front, 70' down the right side, and about 90 ' down the left.
It was built in 1863, and rebuilt in 1911.
I have an RV sitting on the property, and I have bedroom, bathroom inside, and a lotta area to do anything I want to.
The neatest thing, is I built an outdoor kitchen, with the pizza oven inside, and I am a real nut for commercial stoves, ovens, etc.
I also have some banana trees, and lemon trees growing up through holes cut in the metal roof. Really neat, but the lemon trees died. Still looks cool, though.
I'm really into cooking, and I have village kids come over for dinner a couple times a week. They're always hungry, and so they love my food.
Rut row..hope that aint a pic of the local hooscow. Betcha that is some kind of diplomatic installation seeing Old Glory on top. Very nice pizza cooker. Also very cool town. Deepest I ever went into the nice country is Papa Guyos at Nuevo Laredo. Would not try it nowadays if somebody paid me. Great news on the fishing. I specialize in catfish so big you can cut steaks off their lips.

PS Edit..I posted this before I read your latest. Nice house and glad you are keeping them street urchins fed.
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