How to solve problem of pizza bottoms burning?

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Assistant Cook
Sep 16, 2024
(Don't see a better forum for this. Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong forum.) I have a Piezano electric pizza oven, which I've loved. It's now getting to 830-850 degrees, which is even hotter than advertised. For the first 6 months, my pizzas were coming out great. I've been using only one recipe, and I can now crank it out in my sleep. For some reason, just in the last month, the bottoms are always severely burnt by the time the toppings are done. I am very light with the toppings, so it's not that I suddenly started to overload.

As I try to think logically about problem-solving, all I can think of is, "Put something between the pizza's bottom and the baking stone...for at least part of the baking process." But what can I put there, as a partial heat-blocking barrier? It can't be thick at all, since the Piezano has *very* little space between the top heating element and the top of any pizza. Today I tried simply adding a circle of tin foil under the bottom. This worked a Tiny bit, but not much. The bottom was strongly burnt, instead of severely burnt. LOL. I can't use any paper product, as pizza ovens are Much hotter than the temp when paper burns.

A quick Google search did not yield anything that seems to solve this. I doubt that I'm the only person who is facing this tragic 'burnt bottoms' problem. Any ideas?

(I should add that my first step was to turn down the bottom heating element, and--when that did not work at all--to turn off completely that bottom element. The top element alone heats up the stone just as much as when
using the bottom element as fact, I think that bottom element is entirely unnecessary...other than it probably gets the oven to temp a bit more quickly.
I'm guessing....
Turn down the heat at both top and bottom element
Don't pre-heat as long as you are doing now

But if you do exactly the same, it should be the same, so somthing has changed.
It's unlikely the pizza oven, so I would look at the dough
- brand or type of flour change
- longer/shorter kneading or rising time
- different temperature or humidity during the dough making process
- different brand or type of yeast
- ?????
I agree with you about turning off the bottom element. Yes, use it in the preheat but then turn it off when adding your pizza.

But I would reach out to the manufacturer as well. I don't know if they are thermostat controlled for heat but if they are I would suggest your bottom thermostat is broken. I would worry that if you don't keep a close eye on it - there could eventually be a melt down?
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