How much smoke do you need?

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Home Griller
May 27, 2014
If cooking some ribs for 3-4 hrs does the smoke have to be wafting for the entire time? I've read that the smoke flavor is imparted in the first half hr or so and after that you really don't need it any more. True, or not?

What type of smoker do you have....maybe you said in the other thread I forget
I have a cast aluminum gasser - smoke will be via wood chunks wrapped in foil. I think a 5 oz packet smokes for about 20 minutes, maybe a bit more. I can make as many of them as I need but have to open the grill to swap them out.
I also have a Weber gasser as a second choice grill, I put 5-6 chunks of apple right on grate and smoke the entire cooking time of the meat.
It does not matter the meat, long or slow cooking meats.

I love lots of smoke flavor:supz:
The old wore out gasser I have is not real good for imparting smoke flavor. I would tend to try to keep the smoke going as much as possible. Assuming its good clean smoke of course.
Thats why your a yankee.

Lol! Has nothing to do with him being from northern Texas, aka Michigan? I personally smoke everything the entire time. Course, I do most of my cooking on a stick burner, so no smoke=no fire=no cooking. I do know a guy with an offset stick burner that sticks a propane torch in the firebox. Every half hour or so he throws one log in front the torch flame for smoke, but the gas provides all the heat.
I have had meat that takes on a bitter taste when I smoked it longer, everyone is different. Just as, I do not use Hickory ever, I can't stand it.
I never use hickory either. I prefer the milder, sweeter flavor of fruit woods (apple, mulberry, cherry.) Recently I had a review on yelp, it was a good review, 4 stars, but he knocked me for not having any hickory flavor, like the "real" bbq joints in KC. Apparently he's from Kansas City. I get a lot of people from KC who feel the need to tell me that their hickory smoked bbq is the best in the world, and proceed to dispense advice on how I need to make my bbq more like what they grew up with! Tastes vary personally and regionally. Also "smokiness" is a perceived flavor, like "spiciness". Everyone's opinion is different. Add in the fact that every bbq pit is different, and how youre using it too. you just have wispy blue smoke coming out of the chimney, or it's chugging smoke like an old truck with a blown head gasket, that makes a huge difference!
I never go more than 3 hours of smoke on anything.

Well I like the flavor of a good hickory fire..but I love much better stuff that is cooked slow direct over S. Texas Mesquite Coals. The mesquite from North of the Brazos smells and tastes like sheet. For stick burners and tight little air starved pits...would limit myself to Oak and fruit wood..except for cherry. N. Texas mesquite is an improvement on that stuff. Nearly all the fancy pits with automatic log lighters can be easily turned into Lazy Q's. Use a little wood if you got it. Know some old comp cooks who could do a full cookoff on two As to the ideal duration on exposure to smoke fire and heat. Let us not forget to plug the old Mailliard Reaction into the equation. How much of the good stuff comes from the smoke I aint quite sure since I aint a math major. Know some old farts who think one hour of smoke it plenty. What do they know? Maillard reaction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Nope, I go for the wispy blue. I let my offset warm up for atleast 2 hours before I put anything on it. And it only goes on when there is the lite grey/ blue smokey goodness.


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Cardiac more like it..... Looks great though

Hey, I'm not in the business of selling health food! If my customers want a pulled pork sammitch, topped with brisket, topped with Mac & cheese and bacon, topped with Alabama white sauce, then who am I to judge? I just serve it up!
Hey, I'm not in the business of selling health food! If my customers want a pulled pork sammitch, topped with brisket, topped with Mac & cheese and bacon, topped with Alabama white sauce, then who am I to judge? I just serve it up!

wicked good!!
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