Hot dog buns

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My spelling gene went out today!

I still remember several years ago when I found out that my Grandma had made the hot dog buns we were eating at lunch! I was having a fit that you could buy a pack of 8 at the store for 99 cents and she was making them. She said, "Oh, it's worth it. They taste so much better." And she was right!!! They were so soft and fresh.

She does what everyone else was saying above... shape them about like a hot dog, only a little fatter, let them rise, then they're touching each other when they come out of the oven and have to be pulled apart.

Good luck on trying hot dog buns, PC. I'm impressed with people who make yeast breads. I don't have a very good track record with it... yet.
Keep trying, Kay. The smell of baking yeast bread is the best smell in the world. After reading about your grandma's buns, I'm definitely going to try making hot dog buns!
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Discounting the New England style buns from KA, different animal, I didn't see the purpose of the hot dog pan in that link. It obviously did not help keep the buns a uniform size :huh:

Well, I wondered too. I thought maybe they just used some different kind of recipe or technique but they didnt' look like hot dog buns to me. They have what I would call a traditional hot dog pan on their site but it says it's unavailable. :(
Discounting the New England style buns from KA, different animal, I didn't see the purpose of the hot dog pan in that link. It obviously did not help keep the buns a uniform size :huh:

You mean that shollow little divet in the pan won't hold the dough in any shape??? :LOL: I've never owned one, but my curiosity got the best of me when I saw this thread. Hot dog buns ore on my 'to-do' list, I'd never considered that they might need a pan of any type. I was just gonna roll the dough roughly into shape, toss it in the oen and make corrections next time. I just HAD to see a hot dog pan. :LOL:
every time i read the title to this thread i'm reminded of my first saxophone lesson, where i learned the song "hot cross buns".

hot dog buns
hot dog buns

one a penny
two a penny

hot dog buns.
Whenever I saw the words, hot dog pan, I just assumed it would look like a muffin or cupcake pan, deep pockets to help mold the bread into shape as it rises.
What a ripoff that thing is. Better suited for keeping your fish sticks from touching.....
so your saying i shouldnt even bother clicking on the link then....
I've got buns rising now, never made them yesterday. I'm sure they will be edible without a special pan!
Go ahead and take a look at it.
If for any reason, curiosity's sake.
But there's no reason to have your credit card handy.
wanna see my buns?

just out of the oven. Not sure where #10 went..... :ermm::pig:


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I'll tell ya what i did later my cookies are gonna burn cuz the question thread wont let me leave!!!!
mmmm, you've got some fine looking buns there suziquzie :brows:

I'd love a step by step.... how you get uniform amounts, shape them, recipe used..... the whole ten, errr, nine yards (for the one MIA)
Please :flowers:
Don't you know you should never show your buns on the Internet?? They will be on here forever now!
But seriously they look great, I think we can spare you from the question thread just long enough to answer some questions here! LOL.
Tom & Jerry is on, I have about 20.4 minutes to explain these!!!
I made the Allrecipes one I usually make
Burger or Hot Dog Buns - Allrecipes

but i used extpat's idea of being anal and weighing out each piece so all the dough balls were the same. 4 oz each. I got 9 1/2 buns, the 1/2 ended up being my lunch. :angel:

I rolled them out to 4 1/2 by 6 1/2 inches instead of the 4x6 in the recipe.

I guess I better start at the beginning tho.
I like to proof my yeast 1st, cuz ya never know.

put the water, milk, butter, sugar and salt all on lo on the stove just til butter melts. dont go over 110-115 degrees or you'll kill the yeast.

I use the dough hook on my KA... but I stir flour in til my 'lil arms wont anymore.... about 1 minute.. (ya I'm a wimp) I think I stirred in about 3 cups worth by hand, then hooked it, after I had the whole 4 1/2 cups in I knead it on the counter, cuz I dont trust the hook. It was still pretty sticky. I added about another 1/2 cup flour.

Then I put it all in an oiled bowl, covered and let it grow to double its size. punched down, split into 4 oz pieces, made them into rectangels, rolled those into logs.

Let rise again, covered, about 40 min.

I baked at 400, about 20 min? I forgot to set the timer and I had to change a diaper..... (yes I washed my hands)

I think they are a little too heavy yet, but they are the best I've found, so until I find another, these are okey dokey!

Step by step enough?


you should hear me explain things in person.... :wacko:
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