Horseradish lovers??

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smoke king

Sous Chef
Mar 4, 2008
elkhorn, ne
Hey Everybody, I'm in search of hot horseradish. I don't mean that silver spring (et al) that they sell at Kroeger. I'm talking about that curl your toes, blow the top of your head off, make-you-see-god HOT horseradish.

From what I've been able to glean from the world wide web, there is a brand called "Royal Bohemian Nitro" that is very highly regarded amongst the afficianados-unfortunately, the only place I've been able to locate it is an on-line store-that in and of itself isn't a problem. Trouble is, this particular "store" doesn't accept CC's-so you have to print a (very amateur looking) order form, and send them cash. If that weren't bad enough, the only other product they seem to sell is that "trucker speed" that you always see behind the counter at truck stops.

So I'm wide open to suggestion-maybe somebody knows of a reputable source for the Royal Bohemian-or knows of another brand with the big kick I'm lookin' for!
Have you thought about making your own? It's quite simple to make. Just make sure you get fresh horseradish root otherwise your finished product will taste musty and old.
yea, try to make your own. The hotness is controlled in the making process, you can make it as hot or as mild as you want to. I got my instructions off the internet.
I grow my own and it`s extremely "Hot", in fact I gave some to a friend and he blitzed it up in a blender, took the lid off and had to run out the kitchen as did his dog!

here in the UK it also grows wild along canal ways, so perhaps you could buy a few thongs of it at a garden center?
oh yeah, the leaves are Great to wrap fish in for cooking ;)
Here is another vote for making your own. That is the hottest you will get it and also the best tasting.
here's a suggestion for obtaining some fresh an ad on Craigs list that you will pay to dig some from someones garden. If all the owner of the horseradish had to do was to show you were to dig, and get money for it, that might garner some interest among horseradish owners;)
Thanks guys. You know, I did attempt making some a few years ago, but I bought the root at Kroeger, and honestly it was OK, but if my memory serves me, it wasn't that much better that the off the shelf stuff.

Maybe I'll look around for some root and give it another try.
Not an immediate solution, but grow your own root and go from there. I can assure you that fresh grown root is way more potent that what you would buy. You just have to make sure that it does not get out of control.
this may should be under "gardening", but can you buy a root at the grocery store and then just plant it?

I've done that with garlic cloves..

Thanks, Eric Austin Tx.
You can grow grocery store roots if they're fresh & have at least a sign of sprouts coming from the top. That's how my dad started his patch. If both ends have been chopped off, they "might" still grow, but it does depend on how long they've been out of the ground.
I have my own in my yard... Only to be dug up in months with an "r", or it is too woody. After you dig it, keep the tops and replant them. DO NOT process the real garden variety inside. outside. outside. outside. It gets more wicked than any onion you can ever imagine.
Let's settle the debate.
If you can find a hotter horseradish than this, you've got my vote for President.
It'll blow your mind, knock your socks off your wife, curl your nose hairs and turn you back to yo mamma.
I'm telling you, if you have an enemy and need a good laugh, give him or her a small spoonful of this stuff in their sweet little unassuming bowl of vanilla ice cream.
Stand back and get the kleenex cause you're gonna need it....
I know, cause I did it.
The fireman still hates me.............
I am laughing so hard right now, but from what he did to me, and how long and hard I planned this little stint, I caught him wayyyyyyy off guard........I later, much later, like after he picked himself up and could breathe, got a kiss.
Now I dare ya, go order this and buyer BEWARE!
I expect a reward for this find Smoke King


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