Help a noob choose a grill (Now with PHOTOS)

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Another big reason to go with Weber is the easy availability of replacement parts. Most of what you need is at a store near you. Can't say that for most brands.
Captain Morgan said:
Another big reason to go with Weber is the easy availability of replacement parts. Most of what you need is at a store near you. Can't say that for most brands.
And if it's not in the store you can call Weber and it will be there in a couple of day. $5 fate rate shipping (unless it has change recently). :D
Finney said:
$5 fate rate shipping (unless it has change recently). :D

Hey Finney

Remember the spelling police you pulled on me yesterday in "black or white" thread. Here's back at you buddy. :D

Is there a spell checker on this board that I just can't find?

Griff said:
Finney said:
$5 fate rate shipping (unless it has change recently). :D

Hey Finney

Remember the spelling police you pulled on me yesterday in "black or white" thread. Here's back at you buddy. :D

Is there a spell checker on this board that I just can't find?

That's fine. I know I spell like shit. (Yes spell, not smell).
I point out the ones I think could be funny. :!: And all of Bill's (Joker) that I see. He used to police for that. :)

And "No" on the spell checker. :-(
Just got off the phone with the Grill Guys. I ordered the Weber One Touch Gold 22 1/2" for 119.99 and the WSM for 169.99. Nice place, he asked if the One Touch was listing for 119 on the website, I told him no it was 129, he said he'd give it to me for 119. Shipping free on WSM, only $14 on the One Touch. I was in a local store last weekend and the WSM was listed at 199 and they wouldn't price match. So, now I have to figure out what I will be smoking this weekend. =P~ This will be my first time using a smoker, gotta read up on how to use it now.
Way to go. Dont forget the pics, LOTS of PICS!
Ok so I need to pick up a Chimney starter, starter cubes, Remote Thermometer, brinkman charcoal pan to use for water and heat resistant gloves. Humphrey or Royal Oak Lump. I'm in WV now, hopefully I can find this locally. Read about seasoning the grill.

1. Do I need to season the smoker? Same method as I will use on the One Touch? (One chimney full allowed to burn completely through, clean grate, oil with Canola and burn a 2nd chimney through.)

2. The only thing I'm not really finding on here is how much charcoal to use in the WSM. Do I combo Kingsford and whatever Lump I find or go straight Lump? And how do you determine how much to use?

3. Being a Bronco's fan, why didn't I bet Larry on last Sundays game? :razz:
I got a charcoal chimney locally cheaper than on Bass Proshop is the cheapest place to find the Brinkman charcoal pan (that's the one you want). The starter cubes are great. Way better than newspaper. You can buy welders gloves at Lowes or Home Depot if you can't find bbqing gloves at a good price. Mine are actually for turkey frying from that Cajun Chef company (forget the name).

1. You don't really need to season the WSM or the kettle as long as you clean them good before using. But if you would rather use a burn to remove the manufacturing oils, you certianly can do that.

2. Charcoal amounts really depend on what you are cooking. You usually what to just barely use a little more charcoal than you would need for however long you estimate you cook will take. No need in wasting good charcoal, although the WSM will kill the coals pretty quick if you close the vents. Either use straight lump or straight Kingsford. I like lump better nut the deals I find on KF has me using it also.

The best info purely on the WSM is over at The website is full of the best info you will find on the WSM. The forum is very boring compared to this one, and here you get a better, more rounded view on BBQing.
Thanks for the link Finney. That helps alot. Off to round up more equipment.

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