Hello February ~ What's For Supper? ~ 2/1/2019

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
Is anybody having Supper tonight?


I reheated a portion of the Trader Joe's Porchetta leftover from New Years Day Supper (we had over 2 pounds of meat)
along with a half of the biggest Russet Potato I've seen in awhile;
made it into Mash
and some Buttered PEAS!!!! (I need other ways to serve these frozen Peas guys) http://www.discusscooking.com/forums/f126/help-frozen-peas-and-corn-101558.html

What did you have to welcome in February?
Our dinner was fantastic. Tried a new restaurant I recently found and it lived up to my expectations and exceeded them. Expensive, but worth the splurge from time to time. I didn't take pictures. We were so excited when we got our appy plates that I didn't even think about it until we had destroyed them dividing them up. I did manage to take a picture of the wine bottle label. Didn't recognize a single bottle on the wine list, but the 1 we got was great so want to try to find it.

Carpaccio de pulpo. The octopus was so tender you could cut it with a fork. I made a guess on how it was prepared and asked. Got pretty close. Marinated, rolled, compacted into a tight roulade, then cooked sous vide, sliced about 1/4 inch thick, served with a lightly dressed arugula salad, with olives and some kind of tiny pickled veges. They were red, yellow, and orange, very sweet. Maybe just formed sweet peppers? I mean TINY, like half the size of a dime.

Second appy was Burrata e Bresaola della Valtellina. Same type of salad.

Craig had Gnocchi alla Sorrentina. Lovely light little clouds. No lead sinkers here. Topped with buffalo moz. Sauce was made with grape tomatoes, so was nicely balanced, not sweet, not acidy.

I had Ravioli di Cinghiale al Burro e Timo, wild boar filled ravioli in a butter thyme sauce. Rich is all I can say.

We traded bites of the gnocchi and pasta, as well as dessert, which was tiramisu and zabaglione, with espresso. The tiramisu was good (I do like mine better though, but I've tinkered with that to get it perfect for us.) but the zabaglione was fantastic! Complimentary small glasses of limoncelli after.

There were a couple of main courses we both wanted to try, but we were stuffed.
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Thanks for the details Med. I could almost taste it all.

I used my two individual casseroles for us tonight. The bottom layer was seasoned zoodles, and then a layer of mahi mahi fillets slathered on both sides with a highly spiced mayo mix, and finally topped with buttered Panko crumbs. They were baked at 375 degrees for 15 min, and the zoodles were just crisp tender, the fish perfectly flaky and the Panko crumbs buttery brown. The oven also contained a dish of scalloped potatoesI started way before.

It was "blonde" but delicious, so not worthy of a picture.
My big sister made dinner for me tonight. She made an old family recipe of stuffed vegetables cooked into broth. Meat rice and seasonings stuffed into zucchini, tomato, red and green peppers. Served with Armenian cracker bread and yogurt. It brought back a lot of memories of our mom it was delicious. To top it all off she made my favorite yellow cake with chocolate frosting and chopped walnuts on top. I’m stuffed!

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