Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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Moderator Emeritus
May 10, 2002
Edmonton, Alberta
Happy St Paddy's everyone. Hope you all wear some green and have some fun today. Does anyone do anything special or cook anything in particular today?

I was going to make Irish stew and soda bread for dinner at work, but we have some things that need to be used up so its traditional sunday gravy and spaghettini noodles instead. LOL! Italian-Irish tonight! Maybe I'll make the soda bread and dye it green for the kiddies. Bet they wouldn't eat it then!

Happy St Paddy's everyone. Hope you all wear some green and have some fun today. Does anyone do anything special or cook anything in particular today?

I was going to make Irish stew and soda bread for dinner at work, but we have some things that need to be used up so its traditional sunday gravy and spaghettini noodles instead. LOL! Italian-Irish tonight! Maybe I'll make the soda bread and dye it green for the kiddies. Bet they wouldn't eat it then!

Well, Alix, the flags do have similar colors, in the same order.

Of course, I'm cooking corned beef and cabbage.

I ALWAYS have something green on on St. Patrick's Day, but it's a very special something green.

When I was in college in 1967 a very dear friend gave me a shamrock-shaped necklace. The leaves of the shamrock are little emerald stones and the center of the leaves has the tiniest little pearl. The whole thing is mounted in silver and it hangs on a silver chain. We were the best of buddies in college and have remained friends these many years since, even though we're many many miles apart. I've worn it every year on St. Patrick's Day since she gave it to me.

She's a sweet, loving lady and, unfortunately, never had any children but was a schoolteacher for all her working years, so she sort of had children. She retired about 4 years ago and, sadly, several months after she retired she was diagnosed with cancer. She's been fighting it ever since and still remains sweet and positive in spite of her health travails.

We speak often on the telephone and never forget each other's birthday. I imagine I'll get a call from her some time today. She ALWAYS remembers me on St. Patrick's Day. I remember her, too, each time I touch the little green shamrock hanging on the chain around my neck.
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Sweet story, Katie.

Have a good one, all!

Yes, nice story, Katie!

Love the Maxine Pick, Dawg!

Alix, maybe cut the WHITE soda bread into shamrocks instead!

I am 1/4 Irish as my maternal grandmother was from Cork. She was a feisty Irish lady married to a quiet and proper English gentleman!

I always wear green, even if it is only in the little plastic clover pin I bought when I was about 10. It has a happy face on it. I bought two of them and gave one to my Mom. She loved it and wore it every year until she passed away 18 years ago last week.

I never knew what happened to her pin, until a few months ago when I was going through the last box of stuff from Dad. There in a little cardboard box were a whole pile of "memories" (some I didn't even know about) including the little pin. I kept it and this morning pinned it onto TB's uniform and said this was my Mom's and now we match. He was touched - he never knew my Mom.

Actually that brings me to another story about my Mom. Her first name and my middle name are "Patricia". Funny enough it wasn't my Irish grandmother that named her. The night my mom was born in Regina, Saskatchewan, the junior hockey team the "Princess Patricias" or "Pats" for short won the Canadian Junior Hockey title for the very first time. My grandfather was a board member and was having a double celebration with his buddies. He got a little drunk and told them the name of his new baby daughter.

My grandmother was not well after the delivery and woke up the next morning to have a nurse say "I think Patricia is a lovely name and what a coincidence that our hockey team won the night she was born!" My grandmother used her fiery Irish temper on my grandfather, but the name stuck and I have the little silver engraved mug to my Mom from the hockey team!

Here's a picture of the same pins we have. I found it on Ebay for $7.95. I think I paid about 50 cents each for them! They were from Hallmark.


  • Flat_-_Shamrock_Smiley_Face.JPG
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We dont celebrate St Pats Day as it is my Steve's birthday on the same day...so we much prefer to celebrate that :) :)
Happy St. Patrick's Day! I made Corned Beef with carrots and potatoes, coleslaw on the side. There was nothing left, so I guess it was well liked. I'll have to get another roast so Shrek can have some corned beef on rye. Obviously I can still cook for 4 people...
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