Guess what this is a photo of!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Does not help prepare truffles, nor any other fungus.

Vegetables, fruits, and tubers too, are all immune to this gadget.

PETA members can't decide weather or not to be pleased with or angry about this device.

Does not fry, nor does it heat up significantly, nor cause other things to (intentionally at least).
Yep... PB... let me attach it.... gotta reduce the file size.

It does not geld anything.

It's method of operation might be considered intensely stimulating. Once.
Does not de-bone, de-fur, de-beak, de-feather or de-shell.

Does not irradiate anything. (At least I believe you meant "expose to radiation" by that. Radiating is a different verb... A light bulb radiates photons, a heater radiates heat. I'm still trying to come up with an image of something radiating meat, but when I do I bet it will be messy :ROFLMAO:. )

Does not (by design as far as I know) radiate heat either.

Here's an attached pic.


  • Whatsis.GIF
    32 KB · Views: 180
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If it does, it's not intentional. The subjects of the operation of this device do not desire to do much of anything afterwards.

However, oysters aren't the target. Only one small order of phylum Arthropoda need fret an appointment.
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Does not cook.

A high class relative of Jeff Foxworthy might consider a case of Korbel and this device to be "quality entertainment".

This device might be best placed at the end of a long strech of green countertop.


Pacanis has it.

DVICE: CrustaStun tases lobsters dead

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