Got a Lot of Garlic?

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@taxlady back in the 80's and 90's the freezer safe jam recipes were all the rage and lots of the tapered jars were sold. They may be in your jars.

Another thing, pastes, like date paste or prune paste, or a very thick pepper paste can be frozen in non-tapering jars because solids don't expand as much as liquids. I'm trying to think what else I have in jars in the freezer: horseradish, peach paste (made from dehydrated peaches), garlic/basil/lemon/parsley mixture.
I can't speak to the taper on the 1 cup or 1 and 1/2 cup jars, with liquids, but the straight sides are safer to freeze things in than any jar with shoulders. I just don't have experience with them and liquids in the freezer. I trust @pepperhead212 so if he does it then I'd use it.

The tapered pints verses the non-tapered pints.

We use pints as drinking glasses here.
The tapered jars are a little taller than the non-tapered jars.
We drink out of non-tapered jars, the tapered ones we use for canning/freezing. Mr bliss is a stickler for this little difference-since the dishes get sorted after being washed either into the cabinet for drinking glasses or for canning.

This is the non-taper on the left and the tapered one on the right. Quite a difference in how tall they are.

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