From NPR: Literal Farm To Table: Here's The Dirt On Chefs Cooking With Dirt

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Chef Extraordinaire
May 9, 2007
Southeastern Virginia
New trend: "This may sound, like foie gras and escargot, to be a distinctly French cuisine. But Ted Allen, who hosts*Chopped*on the Food Network, believes that dirt, rocks and mud will soon become common in American gourmet cooking, too.

"Let me put it this way," he asks. "What's left? People are already eating snout-to-tale, leaves-to-roots, stem-to-stern, hand-to-mouth. Chefs are getting people to eat kale and drink rotted juices. Dirt, rocks and mud just follow."

Literal Farm To Table: Here's The Dirt On Chefs Cooking With Dirt : The Salt : NPR
Sounds like something the did as a drunk bet. "I'll bet you can't get customers to eat dirt and love it!"
Stone soup!

Not sure if it is the same chef but I read an article about a chef that was using rocks from oceans around the world to add flavor to his seafood based soups and sauces.

It would definitely not be for me, reminds me of this quote attributed to David Hannum - "There's a Sucker Born Every Minute"

or perhaps this one from your old Aunt Bea - "If it doesn't sell, raise the price!" :ermm::ohmy::LOL:

Edit. I had to reconsider my view on this. I remembered that when I was young we did practice the five second rule at our house! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:
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In the article, the chef stated that we Americans want everything to be so safe. No, we want our food to be clean and healthy. Did that chef ever study the bacteria in dirt and on stones?
In the article, the chef stated that we Americans want everything to be so safe. No, we want our food to be clean and healthy. Did that chef ever study the bacteria in dirt and on stones?
The best method is to use a pressure cooker. As a pressure cooker cooks at 250 F, it not only kills the bacteria but also retains the flavor.
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