Friday, 2022 December 9 Supper Thread

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
We ordered from our favourite Greek resto, La Porte Grecque. We ordered the "★ BAD BOY MIXED GRILL ★", which is plenty of food for the two of us: oregano chicken breast, 2 lamb chops, and a stick of souvlaki, served with really good rice pilaf, roast potatoes, garlic bread, and a house salad. We also ordered an appetizer of spanakopita. DH said he has had better. I thought it was the best I had tasted yet. I guess that's why I seldom order spanakopita and he orders it every now and again. There is a little bit of rice pilaf and souvlaki left.

What did you have?
Asian flavoured salad compliments of Coscto, plus sliced up Kolbasa. Bought a huge ring, which I'll have to cut it up and freeze part.
We had LO meatballs reinvented into Meatball Subs! They were really, really good!

Tonight, I plan to make Rib Eyes with asparagus and a couple of homemade/freezer twice baked potatoes. Today is DH's best-friend's birthday (although he lives in another state)...and DH's birthday+1 month. Last month, on DH's birthday, we didn't do anything fancy as he was suffering from a pulled back and not too hungry.
Roast chicken, pilaf and butternut squash.
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