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Here's my before shot. Definately snow on the ground. Around two feet out in the yard.


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I'm about to start my brisket, and will try to get a pic with temperature . . . . not much snow (like NONE) but it sure is COLD!!
ok. The briskets are on, and it's COLD. I got the camera out of storage, but, alas, the battery needed to be charged. Plugged it in, and will hope for pics come morning! Sweet dreams all!
Cook went along just fine! Full of protein now, and lookit that . . . time for bed. Pics to come tomorrow. Tooooooooooo busy today cooking and working. Was a good day overall . . . I guess, just wait'll you see the pics! How's your day going, Puff?
ScottyDaQ said:
This years contest sucks. No effort from the Mods or the Admin to promote it or gather interest.
I hate this forum.

Seems Pigs said this a few weeks back! Anybody see him?
Adrienne said:
Cook went along just fine! Full of protein now, and lookit that . . . time for bed. Pics to come tomorrow. Tooooooooooo busy today cooking and working. Was a good day overall . . . I guess, just wait'll you see the pics! How's your day going, Puff?

Ditto, hope to have something submitted tonight!
My picture is in and by the looks of it Scotty and John Pen are shakin' in their boots, check out their avatars :LOL: This was a fun idea for a great cause, only wish more had participated. Even in a bad economy $20 to a great cause and giving you an excuse to smoke seems like more folks would want to put their money where there mouth is :roll: THANKS to those who spearheaded Frozen Few 2010.
ok, I've looked through the pics, and narrowed it down . . . ooooooooooo this is so exciting!!!
ok. Pics submitted. And now the waiting begins . . . how will I ever be able to sleep???
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