Speaking "they" (whoever "they" are), when I was involved in dog rescue, in the early days we could only help the next dog using the donation received from the last dog. We had all the dogs vetted and, even with a generous discount, this usually was about $400. I remember speaking with one applicant who wanted to adopt a Newfoundland about the adoption donation and what it covered and how much it was. Her response was, "oh, I thought they paid for that." I always wondered who she thought "they" were? That particular dog involved a roundtrip to Montreal (on a very hot and humid day in July), treatment for a bladder infection, complications following her spay, and a few other things. I was out-of-pocket about $200 on top of the money we had available for her. I realized that I was "they." Needless to say, she didn't get approved to adopt the dog...