Favorite EV olive oil?

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I usually pick up a Tuscan evoo from Trader Joe's the name,escapes me..old age ya know:LOL: I will say the same brand at a grocery store is about $18<00 at TJ's 5 bucks.

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I have been using one called Dimitri that we picked up at a Greek festival. Unfortuantly the 3L can is empty and I am just about out. Suppose I need to run down to where they are (at least they are local) and pick up some more.
I have 3 or 4 different bottles going right now. One is Spanish, another is Italian (Calamata oil I think), and my favorite I brought back from Israel. I need to take another trip there because that bottle is almost done.
My favorite is Bella Terra Truffle Infused Extra Virgin Olive Oil. But I carry a selection of 7 or 8 types.
I have it from all over. Friends recently brought me some from Greece and Palestine. I like the Tuscan from Cosco. I buy and unfiltered Italian from Marshalls whenever I find it there. For awhile I could get a nice fruity Turkish oil called Lio, but I haven't seen that around recently.

For cooking, I use Whole Foods' 365 Imported 100% Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil. It's $22 for a 3-liter tin. However, I also have several smaller containers of small production artisan olive oils from Greece, Provence, Italy, Spain that I use for finishing dishes.

My favorite that is in my house now is Alziari from Nice.
Dh is from Turkey. We go back almost every year to visit family. Dh's BIL (sister's husband) has a friend that makes their own. It's not sold commercially. That's the best. If we run out, I order this Turkish olive oil (if it's available).
The best I've EVER had to work with was the extra virgin from a good friend's MIL's trees in Athens. She supervised the picking and accompanied the olives to the mill herself where she insisted the miller CLEAN the mill before processing her olives, as she didn't want her oil tainted by someone's lesser oil!

It was SO fresh, and so fruity and delicious, you could eat it with a spoon.

Sadly, she has gone to that great olive oil mill in the sky, so no more oil.
what ever is on sale, or what ever is cheapest at costco or sames club

For general cooking, I, too, use the Kirkland Brand (Costco's store brand) of olive oil. I think it has a great flavor that is not lost in cooking. I'd recommend it to anyone for cooking. I've never fried with it, but if one wants to fry with olive oil, I'd guess this would stand up to it. Good stuff. I probably would never finish a dish with it, but for cooking... two thumbs up! (We don't have a Sam's Club membership, so I'm not sure what they offer.)
I was not aware that Costco had a store brand EVOO. Their vintage (dated) Tuscan is pretty good, and I keep it for oil and vinegar, etc.
My favorite is an unfiltered Trader Joe's brand. Very peppery and flavorful.

There was another TJ's EVOO I tried (I think it was from California) and it was very fruity.

For cooking, I'm not as picky.
Generally, I look for something that says "First Cold Pressed" and "Reserve" and is a bit more greenish than yellow. I believe the Tuscan one says both and is excellent. Im a sucker for a sale so right now I'm using an Italian Colavita which does say "First Cold Pressed" but not "Reserve". It's very good.

But my favorites for occasional fun are the Citrus Olive Oils made by "O Basics" in San Raphael CA...the tall skinny bottles with the BIG fat O on the label. There is an Orange one and a Lemon one. Each are made by crushing together fresh oranges or lemons with fresh grapes. The result is an intense flavor so a little goes a long way.

I use the lemon one when cooking a lemon garlic chicken dish and also sprinkled over fish with fresh herbs. Also drizzle over feta cheese and crackers.

The orange one is great drizzled over salad by itself or as a vinaigrette w/balsamic added. It's good on spinich salad with crumbled blue cheese and good with Brie and crackers. I also use it when making a slightly sweet orange rosemary chicken dish or pork loin.
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