Dumb Question, I Need a Name for Something Which Has Slipped My Mind

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
What is the formal name for those " Spoon Rest" things that you leave on the counter, and lean your Ladle, spatula, wooden spoons... on so they won't be resting directly on the counter.

Im looking for one, but not exactly sure what their proper name is.

Spoon rest is pretty much it, unless you want to get real fancy and use the French term, Repose-cuillère.
Yep, spoon rest. Most often they aren't big enough for anything but a spoon. I have a rectangular decorative plate that works better for me as it will accommodate a spatula.
Spoon Rest is all I've ever heard it called. I'd been looking for one for a long time when I found a couple of candy dishes which work just fine. I use them both.
I have nice little chopstick rests, nice little pieces of art, if you can call them that. But they're too small to be practical for spoons, ladle, and such. I use small, rectangular, Asian serving dishes for those.
I've never used a spoon rest. There's always a random plate or lid around to lay a spoon on if it's not already laying across the top of the pot.
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