Does Santa care what my bathroom looks like?

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Executive Chef
Jul 10, 2006
northern NJ
I've got a sinking suspicion that not only doesn't he care, but he's probably wondering why I care...

Yet, here it is, three days till ground zero and I'm up to my elbows in comet, vanish, tilex and an arsenal of other assorted life zapping chemicals.

I don't expect Santa will desire to use the facilities when he drops off the ill gotten booty on Sunday evening, nor do I expect rudolph will have to relieve himself, either. With the exception of 'dr. Dave' for christmas eve, every other guest is family.

That must be whom I'm trying to impress with my good housekeeping capabilities.....because Santa doesn't give a poop.....he doesn't leave one, either, hehhehe.

I've purchased a new table cloth and red silk napkins, as well. We spend our lives trying to keep our clothes clean because we all know how difficult it is to remove food stains from them. Yet, here I am, purposely purchasing cloth for the express purpose of rubbing all manner of food particles into and onto it. I'm not just talking any food particles, here, either. I'm Italian. I'm talking fishy, greasy food gunk. All the Tide in the world, with the assistance of wild horses, won't pull the expected stains out of these ruby cloths.

What was I thinking?

I've got 6 fishes spoken for for my feast of the seven fishes. I was thinking of putting a bowl of swedish fish on the table and calling it square. Somewhere, there is an old italian lady ghost trying desperately to smack me upside the head. I've got anchovies, calamari, shrimp, flounder, clams, crab....but I am decidedly lacking in the bacala department. I draw the line at food you could strap to your feet and walk a mile in before it wears out.

For the remainder of this day I still have to put fresh linens on the bed, vacuum the upstairs rooms, get my nails done, and fold and put away my weekly laundry. I hope Santa doesn't care about clean kitchen floors, because I don't think I'll be getting to that little chore, either.

I figure if I leave him booze and cookies, why should he care what my kitchen floor looks like?

Okay, I'm off to bounce off some more walls....:w00t2:
If Santa cares about a clean house, he will not only leave me coal in my stocking but he will use it to set the house on fire!

:huh: Barbara
I was hoping that Santa would bring me a cleaning service this year to do the base boards and hardwood floors. So I hope he cares about clean.
Vera, Santa isn't going to sleep in your bed is he? otherwise (unless you have very nosy family or friends) how is he going to know if you changed your bed linen or not? I used to practically kill myself with all of this; even if no one was coming. Now, I figure that they only come to my house because their's is as bad or worse!! Hey, it is about the loving and warm relationships, not a clean house, right?
I just decided to enjoy my 'lap of luxury' by having a pedicure. Heck on anyone else! I loved siting in the massage chair for 40 minutes while the darling pedicurist prettied up and massaged my feet and calves.

So relaxing in the middle of all the 'stuff'.
I really don't think that Santa cares what your bathroom looks like but just go about your cleaning and everything will turn out very well.
Are you SURE Santa isn't going to be using the facilities? You just never know when all those cookies and milk are going to hit him you know.
Santa can use the one we just installed in the guest bathroom downstairs. It's ADA approved and everything.

Maybe I'll put a bow on it.

It should be easy to find - just follow the scent of dog pee on the carpet down there.

Uh-oh, maybe you'd better make sure everything is clean:


  • comichowtotellyouvebeenwj3.jpg
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:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: for all of the responses, especially the 'toil-ney'...or is it a chimenet?

Mudbug, I just got back from my manicure/pedicure. Gotta love it, I almost fell asleep during the neck massage:sleep:.

And, for the record, a couple of santas have slept in my bed:brows:, but, sad to say, never at the same time.

I'm ready for my manhattan now, Mr. DeMille.
roflmao @ barb's hilarious

and no vera, santa couldn't give a shinola what your bathroom looks like.

the rest of us do though, so you'd better turn to it.

Vera, your always a hoot! My ex (italian) mother-in-law had this plaque on her wall which makes alot of sense to me in hind sight. It said....
" A clean house is a boring house" :LOL:

As for your seven fishes , I would definately go for the sweedish fish! I love those!!!
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