Dinner Wed. July 30

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We had blackened mahi paninis with smoked provolone, roasted red pepper, asparagus & red onion with a salad of romaine, green beans, grape tomatoes, celery, carrots, sunflower seeds, yellow pepper with peppercorn ranch. Frozen yogurt for dessert.
So, Pacanis, how were your firsts?

The bread; dense, moist, very good but similar to regular bread and I was hoping for more of an Italian bread. Did I say it was very good though? :LOL: I know half the loaf is gone :ermm:

The stew; very tasty, not as much liquid as what I usually like, a little "tomatoey" being that it called for 2 TBS of tomoato paste (not something I usually do, or ever for that matter), but very good. It had a different kind of flavor and I'm sitting here still liking it. It's just not like my regular stew, but that's OK.

Here's the bread. The "orange" color from the tomato paste didn't make my stew worth snapping.


  • bread7-30.jpg
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Looks like edible bread to me, congrats!
Never met a slice of bread that couldn't be "fixed" with a pat of butter and some roasted garlic spread on it!
we had cheese boigahs, 85% angus, on wonderbread burger rolls, with steak fries and baked beans. screw the carb-consciousness; it was really good.
Black bean dip with cilantro, etc., plus chickpeas, sliced tomatoes, sliced red onion, shredded lettuce in whole wheat pitas.
Thanks Suzi and Mama!
Looking at the pic again, it's really more "loaflike" than what it looks like in that pic, but I've got to work on shaping it better.
The bread; dense, moist, very good but similar to regular bread and I was hoping for more of an Italian bread. Did I say it was very good though? :LOL: I know half the loaf is gone :ermm:

The stew; very tasty, not as much liquid as what I usually like, a little "tomatoey" being that it called for 2 TBS of tomoato paste (not something I usually do, or ever for that matter), but very good. It had a different kind of flavor and I'm sitting here still liking it. It's just not like my regular stew, but that's OK.

Here's the bread. The "orange" color from the tomato paste didn't make my stew worth snapping.

WOW thats much better than mine!!! Good job!!!!:clap:
I wonder why mine was so much narrower than yours:ermm:
I think to have it taste more like italian bread you would need to use semolina flour?
lol, I wanted mine to be more narrow, it just kept on assuming that shape. Everytime I would try to tuck things up, I would get a fold that I had a hard time getting rid of. I need to visit KA's site and look for a vid on shaping a loaf. Maybe I didn't punch it down enough or something.
That eggwash really gives it a nice look.

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