Deep Dish Peach Pizza

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Senior Cook
Apr 4, 2007
Janesville, Wisconsin
I hope everybody made a special dutch oven treat for their "special" someone on this Valentine's Day. :heart:

I selected a new recipe I've been meaning to try called Deep Dish Peach Pizza. It's fast, it's easy, and it's REALLY good. Everything went together very easily, and it only took a few minutes. I thought at first that 2 cans of peaches would not be enough, but once everything was put together, it turned out to be the right amount.

I'd say if there was one thing to be careful about, it would be when the crust is put in. You need to be very careful about making sure that it is an even thickness throughout. Mine was a little thin in the middle and a little thick on the edges. That made the edge crust a bit chewier instead of being a little more crisp. Other than that, I loved everything about this recipe.

I've posted the recipe for anybody that would like to try it, along with a few pictures.

Deep Dish Peach Pizza

12” Dutch Oven
1 Yellow Cake Mix
1/2c Butter, softened
1/2c Coconut
2cans Peaches, sliced (15oz.) - drained
3/4c Sour Cream
1 egg
1/2c Brown sugar
1/4tsp. Cinnamon
Add cake mix, softened butter and coconut to a re-sealable bag. Close bag and knead bag with your fingers until butter is incorporated (you will have some lumps).
Press mixture into a 12" Dutch oven that has been lined with some heavy duty foil; making sure to press some of the mixture up the side to make a crust like a pizza.
Arrange well drained peaches on crust. Sprinkle cinnamon over peaches.
In a bowl, stir together the egg and sour cream and drizzle over the peaches; this will not entirely cover the peaches. Sprinkle brown sugar over top.
Bake at 350 degrees (16 coals on top and 8 on the bottom) for 25 to 35 minutes, or until sour cream is set and cake has started to brown around the edges.
Cool slightly and cut into wedges to serve.
6 servings


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That looks really good Garry, thanks for sharing!
Have you tried it without the tinfoil, would there be sticking issues?
I avoid tinfoil in my DO like the plague but understand that it is required for some dishes.
This was the first time I made this, so I followed the recipe very closely which called for the use of foil. I imagine that you could bake it without the foil. If your DO has been well seasoned over time, it probably is almost non-stick by itself. But the main reason the foil is used is to be able to lift the finished pizza out of the DO. It would be very hard to get it out without the foil. Of course, you could always leave the pizza in the DO and cut it and serve it from the DO.

I agree with you about avoiding the use of foil whenever possible. Personally, I think this is one of the recipes that it should be used for.
This was the first time I made this, so I followed the recipe very closely which called for the use of foil. I imagine that you could bake it without the foil. If your DO has been well seasoned over time, it probably is almost non-stick by itself. But the main reason the foil is used is to be able to lift the finished pizza out of the DO. It would be very hard to get it out without the foil. Of course, you could always leave the pizza in the DO and cut it and serve it from the DO.

I agree with you about avoiding the use of foil whenever possible. Personally, I think this is one of the recipes that it should be used for.

Makes sense, thanks.
Thanks for the recipe! I made this for breakfast and it was a big hit. With as easy as this was I can see some attempts at fruit variations in the future.:clap:
Great looking pictures, Garry. I'm sure your sweetheart enjoyed your efforts. Our Dutch oven group got together Saturday for a DOG (Dutch oven gathering), so we got to enjoy lots of good DO cooking for Valentine's Day.

We like to use parchment paper to lift food out of the oven. For those wanting to avoid the use of foil, give it a try.
I think that many people feel that when foil is used to line the DO, there is some flavor lost because the seasoning of the cast iron is blocked. I can't say that I've ever noticed a difference. Then again, I've never tried anykind of flavor comparison between a lined DO and an unlined one. It might be interesting to do that sometime. :-p

I don't know if there are other reasons for not using foil. Someone will mention them if there are. ;)
Looks very yummy ... thanks for sharing recipes & photos ... will definitely save this ... we have four peach trees in back yard ... 'bout the end of June they'll be putting out a lot of fruit ... I'm already drooling!
Thanks for sharing. We are going camping in a couple of weeks and this is going to be the first thing I make when we get there.
Thanks for sharing. We are going camping in a couple of weeks and this is going to be the first thing I make when we get there.

It's a GREAT choice for a camping trip because it's so easy. I especially like the way the crust is made in a ziplock bag. No utensils or bowls! :)

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