Cooking while sitting...

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Chef Extraordinaire
Mar 17, 2010
south central coast/California
I know I'm not the only one with limitations on extended standing in the kitchen. My office chair lets me scoot around the kitchen and allows me to sit at the stove. After a few burns on the side of my arm from pans while sitting I came up with this. It's an oven mitt from the dollar store, with the fingers and thumb cut off and hemmed. Hope this helps my fellow cooks who are determined to keep on cooking.:chef:


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Clever idea, Kayelle!

I have crabby feet, so I try to sit whenever I can. I do have a small table in the kitchen work area that I can sit at; it comes in handy for trimming beans or chopping cleaned veggies. However, when I need to use the sink, Himself and his handyman skills came to the rescue. He cut down the legs on an old bar stool. It's at a perfect height for me to sit at the sink, legs tucked into the cabinet underneath, and a long cutting board stretched across one side. I do still stand at the stove, though. If I sat there, I'd probably figure out a way to pull a pan down into my lap. :ermm:
Kayelle, that's a good idea! Years ago, New Orleans chef Paul Prudhomme cooked from a chair. It was interesting to watch him work sitting down. He didn't let his problem stop him either. You're in good company.
I like that idea. I have a bar stool in the kitchen so I can sit at the counter and do my prep. It's close enough to the stove that I can carry it over there when I need to. Great idea to protect your arm that way.
Glad you like the idea folks! Needless to say, I stand if cooking something likely to pop fun getting a pop to the face, and a ski mask would look pretty funny. :LOL:
I sit while prepping. My office is right off the kitchen. I usually ask DH if there is anything I can do to help and 99.9% of the time he says no. Yesterday he said yes. So I helped him prep the fresh spinach. That took forever:rolleyes: When will I learn to keep my mouth shut. :LOL:

Seriously, it did feel good to contribute for a change. :wub:
I have the opposite problem... I spend way too much time sitting for my own good.

My mom needs a walker to get around, but in the kitchen, she has these great gel-filled mats that ease the pressure on her legs, hips and back. She can stand on them and work in the kitchen, long enough to make part of a meal.

Have you tried a floor mat like these?

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A roll around "drafter's" or "director's" chair would help.

It's like a regular business or desk chair, but it has a long stem in the middle. You can practically stand with just your butt minimally resting on the chair when you are at work height.

I took one from work when it was being thrown out years ago because some of the adjustments came loose.

A liitle tightening, and I now have a hip height chair (I'm 6') that matches the height of my workbench in the garage.

It would easily adjust to work in a kitchen.
A roll around "drafter's" or "director's" chair would help.

It's like a regular business or desk chair, but it has a long stem in the middle. You can practically stand with just your butt minimally resting on the chair when you are at work height.

I took one from work when it was being thrown out years ago because some of the adjustments came loose.

A liitle tightening, and I now have a hip height chair (I'm 6') that matches the height of my workbench in the garage.

It would easily adjust to work in a kitchen.

Excellent point for many about the drafter's chair Bucky. I tried one for my kitchen, but unfortunately with my short legs it didn't work out for me even at the lowest height. I'm 5'7" but my legs are stubby.
This is my very comfortable kitchen chair that allows me to scoot all over the kitchen, The arms are good to grab so it doesn't scoot out from under me and spills on it are easily cleanable.The chair is also nice for watching the kitchen TV. It's a duplicate to the ones we use at our computers. I know it looks expensive, but we got them with an online sale for around $60.


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That looks really nice for $60! What kind of online sale was it? My wife just set up an office in an unused room off the formal living room (it used to be the cats' room - cat trees, litter boxes, toys, a big picture window...), so I'd like to get her a nice chair to go with an antique desk we bought. Your chair would work nicely.

My department moved into new office space 2 years ago, and we each got a new, webbed type office chair that costs around $350+.

They are remarkably uncomfortable, and half of the chairs already have broken adjustment levers, and some of the webbing is tearing.
Bucky, that chair looks just like the one I'm sitting in now. I got mine at Office Depot during a close out sale a few months ago. Maybe some of their other stores might have some left.
That looks really nice for $60! What kind of online sale was it? My wife just set up an office in an unused room off the formal living room (it used to be the cats' room - cat trees, litter boxes, toys, a big picture window...), so I'd like to get her a nice chair to go with an antique desk we bought. Your chair would work nicely.

My department moved into new office space 2 years ago, and we each got a new, webbed type office chair that costs around $350+.

They are remarkably uncomfortable, and half of the chairs already have broken adjustment levers, and some of the webbing is tearing.

We got them online at Staples Bucky. It's called the "managers chair" (fitting. lol) and they're $70 now.

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