Sorry I've missed this thread for awhile but wanted to catch up on everyone's news... so in celebration I wanted to send these smilies....
Trish: congrats on your new's been a few weeks so you're probably just easing into it.....just think what your gas bill would be now!!!
Stacy: congrats on your new job, too, hope that you are really liking it and good luck, my dear
Barbara: sometimes it takes that "flash of lightning" to spark us into it possible to ask what kind of a book you are writing???? One day you'll have to write an autobiography if you aren't already.......
Miniman: glad your daughter got her cellphone gad she got it back......back when cell phones first came out one of our company's wives dropped her company issued cell phones to be used only for emergencies in the pool and ended up compensating the company nearly $400......
Alix: congrats on your daughter's achievements.....I know you must have been very proud of them and hope that your youngest is running with the best of them now
Terry: Happy Late Anniversary!!! Wow 36! We're going on 34!
SQ: new lawn mower and all for you.......what a lucky girl......I used to do the lawn work at my house, and only had a front and backyard to do in the Houston swamp, heat and humidity...I can't even fathom 5 acres......enjoy
Babestoo: that must have been a really nice birthday with your daughter and granddaughters.......they are learning far more than you realize about touching base with all generations
Kadesma: doing a jig in the store in the middle of the afternoon? Surely you haven't been hitting the wine aisle? Jest kidding.........I'm so excited for you to be going on your first will have such a great time..........and Mexico is such a nice destination........let us know how it goes
Katie: of course you're doing a great job on those dining chairs......wished you lived closer to me.......I have a set for you to do, too.....glad to hear that you're keeping busy..
For myself, back in KZ........the weather is beautiful and I'm missing most of it cause I'm jetlagged.......oh, well, will be better in a few weeks.....hahaha!!! Hope that this has caught me up on everyone since the last time that I posted.........