Can I use a probe thermometer to double check fudge temp?

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Senior Cook
May 15, 2020
Prior Lake
I want to make old fashioned fudge and my candy thermometer is big and bulky and only fits my big pot. I want to make a smaller amount of fudge and my thermometer won't attach to the pot very well. Can I monitor the temp of the fudge using a probe thermometer, or should I use a bigger pot and use the candy thermometer instead? Or can I use both as I monitor the temp to double check it?
if you are making old fashioned fudge you could test it the old fashioned way.


I wouldn’t hesitate to experiment with a probe thermometer or hold the glass candy thermometer in the pot to do a quick test.

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” - Theodore Roosevelt
I wouldn’t hesitate to experiment with a probe thermometer or hold the glass candy thermometer in the pot to do a quick test.
The only drawback to this is a caution. If you rinse the thermometer between times that you dip it in the fudge, make sure the thermometer / probe is dry. You don't want to get drops of water into the fudge. And, I don't know for sure, but you probably don't want dried on fudge to be dipped back into the fudge when you measure the temperature.
Note the temperatures from the candy thermometer and use them to monitor the fudge with your probe thermometer.
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