Bumble Bee issues recall of canned tuna that could lead to death if eaten

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Chef Extraordinaire
May 9, 2007
Southeastern Virginia
Bumble Bee issues recall of canned tuna that could lead to death if eaten

Bumble Bee Foods has announced a voluntarily recall of canned Chunk Light tuna.

There are a total of 31,579 cases that are included in the recall which were produced in February 2016 and distributed nationally.

The recall affects 3 specific UPC codes (8660000020, 8660000021, 8660000736) of canned Chunk Light tuna. They’ve been recalled after the company says process deviations occurred in a co-pack facility not owned or operated by Bumble Bee, which could result in contamination by spoilage organisms or pathogens, which could lead to life-threatening illness if consumed.

Bumble Bee issues recall of canned tuna that could lead to death if eaten
That's a little scary. We've been buying Costco tuna. It comes in a 7 ounce can and it's fine.
The Bumble Bee Tuna I have is in an envelope. The canned tuna I have is
El Polo del Mar (chicken of the sea) chunk white albacore
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We use Starkist in a pouch.

Good to know about the Bumble Bee.
Thanks for the info, GG. I just texted my daughter and a couple friends to let them know. Scary stuff.
Good to know GG.
I checked my pantry and found a can of Bumble Bee chopped Clams, checked the upc just to be certain, it's okey-dokey.
Then I have 2 cans of Coral Chunk Light Tuna from Hawaii, prcessed by Bumble Bee, checked that too, you're good.
The last can of tuna that I found WAY in the back was Chicken of the sea solid white albacore in water, so all is well in our house, thanks again GG.
:w00t: This is really scary GG..like eat it and die scary!! First time I've heard about it and wonder what they plan on doing to get the word out?

This house is all clear too but I'm emailing all my loved ones.
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