Batch Cooking

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$3 today, 2 bags of halo little tangerines and 1 surprise bag with miscellaneous stuff.

We'll have big salads 3 cups each, 4, using almost all the produce. Lots of fresh fruit this week.
Larry, you did?! Awesome. It's good. It's so colorful and crunchy, and that salty olive taste is good. I hope you enjoy it.
Larry, you did?! Awesome. It's good. It's so colorful and crunchy, and that salty olive taste is good. I hope you enjoy it.
I did, and will enjoy it. As of now, just took a few spoonful samples to adjust the salt. Olives definitely give it that saltiness , so glad I kinda did a taste test before adding anything else. Thanks for introducing it to me.
Brown organic Lundberg rice, 5 cups dry, cooked in boiling water 26 minutes, drained. I mixed it with two colors of peppers, cooked onions, and thawed green peas. Veggie rice, most went in the freezer.

Black beans, 4 cups dry, boiled, rested an hour, fresh water, boiled another hour, done. Most of it in the freezer. I'm planning on some black bean brownies for mr bliss's birthday tomorrow.
Batch cooking tonight. 4 cups of brown basmati rice, and 4 cups of dried black beans.
I started two kettles full of water at the same time, one with beans.
Once the kettle of water started to boil I added the rice and set the timer for 28 minutes, then drained and cooled. I cooked 1 lb of peas, 2 cups of onions and 2 cups of red peppers in the microwave and added them to the rice.

By then the black beans kettle was boiling, I turned it off and let it sit an hour. Drained the water and refreshed it twice with fresh water. Put it back on the stove and turned up the heat. After an hour up to 2 hours, the beans are done, drain rinse and cool.

I'm packaging up 4 qts of veggie rice and 4 qts of black beans, some for the fridge and the rest go in the freezer. It makes preparing a meal go quicker to have these on hand.
Fall, nesting instinct, stock the freezer. Evening cooking projects.

Large batch of dates, boiled drained processed in the food processor to a paste, 4 pints of date paste for baking.

4 cups black beans in the IP, 3 qts of black beans.

Two batches of bean brownies.
White beans, peanut butter powder, coconut flakes for one.
Red beans, cocoa, diced glace red cherries for the other.

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