Anyone use broth for soup?

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I’ve dissolved my BtB in hot —not boiling — water very successfully for like ten years now. Just stir it.

I also cook with hot tap water.

If I don't get the water put to a boil, the BTB doesn't completely dissolve. I have a bunch of little particles in the broth. But, it's not a big deal for me to put a kettle of water on the stove.

If I don't get the water put to a boil, the BTB doesn't completely dissolve. I have a bunch of little particles in the broth. But, it's not a big deal for me to put a kettle of water on the stove.

Doesn't the BTB broth go into a pot to be cooked? It seems that would complete the dissolving. It seems to work for me.
Doesn't the BTB broth go into a pot to be cooked? It seems that would complete the dissolving. It seems to work for me.

If you put the paste directly into something like a brazing liquid that will simmer for quite a while, it will completely dissolve, over time. I'm just talking about making BTB into a finished broth before using it.

So @jennyema and @caseydog have different results when trying to dissolve BTB in hot, but not boiling water. I don't think that the problem lies with the cooks this time, since they both seem to be competent cooks. I think it's probably due to a difference in the water. Maybe one of you has soft water and the other has hard water. Or, it could be that both have hard water, but the minerals that make it hard are different.

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