Any one else watching Stanley Tucci; Searching for Italy?

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
CNN is airing an Italian food dream series. Stanley Tucci is visiting all regions of Italy and show casing the food specialties, going into kitchens and filming the food being prepared. I have found it fascinating and inspiring. Any one else watching it?
I wasn't aware of the show.

I know that different areas have different schedules but, is it viewed on certain days and times?

I saw the Bologna Episode.
I thought it was good, but I didnt find the format that much different than other travel food shows that I've seen in the past. just another take with a different host.
I did enjoy it, and will watch more episodes, just dint find it groundbreaking..
Watched the first episode. I have mixed evaluations about it. It could've been made a little bit more humorous, and a little bit more focused on food. But I loved that scene of dining in the storm, I watched wearing headphones and the sound of thunder was so real. Watching the second episode? Not sure.
Enjoyed the first episode.

Made me wish I was young enough to fulfill my bucket list. Eating my way through Italy was high on my list for many years. Pretty certain the rest of the episodes will be enjoyable, for me.

Enjoyed the first episode.

Made me wish I was young enough to fulfill my bucket list. Eating my way through Italy was high on my list for many years. Pretty certain the rest of the episodes will be enjoyable, for me.


Take a month and vacation through each region while in your own kitchen, Ross. As I get older, a lot of travel is not as high on my desires as it once was. I'm enjoying my comfy chair when home. :LOL: I once wanted to travel abroad. Now days, I would like to see more of the US. I've never really been to Big Sky Country or the states surrounding it. I'd like to do that. I also want to take a trip along what remains of Route 66. I've been to the diner next to where it starts in Chicago. :)
Watched the first episode last night. SO and I really enjoyed it. Tucci involves the locals more than some other shows.
It's not often that I wish we had cable or a streaming service with CNN, but I would make the time to watch this show. I read Tucci's book "The Tucci Cookbook" a number of years ago. It was full of family stories as well as recipes; very enjoyable.

...I once wanted to travel abroad. Now days, I would like to see more of the US....
This is why we don't have passports. After our daughter spent 19 days touring England/France/Italy with her Girl Scout troop when she was a rising senior, we talked about the two of us doing a Mother-Daughter trip to Italy. (It was her favorite part of the trip.) However, the following summer she and I drove from OH to Phoenix to drop her twin brother off at college. There was so much to see, even on a time-short trip just to get him there and to get back home, we decided that the good, ol' U.S.A. had a lot of exploring to do.
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