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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Fresh most of the time. Paul bought me a dehydrator for christmas though and I've been drying up apples, pears and a ton of pineapple.

really use the cookbooks you buy
or read them to get ideas and then go into the kitchen
and cook your way?
Read them to get ideas and then go into the kitchen
and cook your way. Totally - what a cool question, Pdswife :)

Swap cookbooks with a friend or just buy new ones when you need new idea?
diet if I must... but can't I please just have water??

strawberry flavored water
or lemon lime flavored water?
lemon lime flavored water (yep nice ol water, as much as you want:LOL: )

buttermilk waffles or buttermilk pancakes?


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